Image via WikipediaLOS ANGELES – A 41-year-old man who allegedly killed his
fiancée at their
Hollywood apartment, then engaged
Los Angeles police officers in a stand off for several hours, was charged with
murder today, the
District Attorney’s Office announced. Paul Matthew Allee (dob 2/12/69) is expected to be arraigned this morning in Department 30 of the Foltz
Criminal Justice Center. He is charged in case No. BA379679 with one count of murder with a special
allegation that he personally and intentionally discharged a firearm causing great
bodily injury and death to the victim. Allee allegedly shot the victim multiple times in the early morning hours of Jan. 4, then, refused to cooperate with police holding
SWAT officers at bay for hours. The defendant’s bail is recommended at $2 million. If convicted as charged, Allee faces
life in prison.
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