October 18, 2010
6:51 p.m.
Bellflower, USA!
I love Bellflower.
I hate local taxes.
We are taxed to death, literally here in California. I want EVERYONE in BELLFLOWER to VOTE NO on MEASURE A in two weeks. My great friend, former Bellflower Mayor Art Olivier sent me this note today for the community, and I wanted to make sure that EVERYONE gets a chance to see "the other side" of local taxes in our community. Art is one of my heroes. We need more people like Art in public office. Solid leaders who aren't afraid to stand up for what is RIGHT!
Thanks, Art!
A 40% higher Utility Tax will not make you safer!
The Utility Users’ Tax simply diverts General Fund money away from Law Enforcement to pay higher salaries for managers in City Hall and for other wasteful spending.
Before the Utility Tax was enacted in Bellflower, no city employee made a six-figure salary, not even close. Now, the city is able to use excessive General Fund revenue to give themselves massive pay increases. Eighteen employees in City Hall are now making over $100,000 a year plus benefits. They are even retiring at over $100,000 a year plus benefits and cost-of-living increases!
There is no limit to how much money the managers at City Hall can make, only a limit on how much in taxes you are willing to give them.
The Bellflower City Council has declared a State of Fiscal Emergency due to their irresponsible spending habits. In the last four years, they have squandered nearly $9 million of the $10 million Bellflower reserve.
The tax proponents claim that they have laid off one-third of city employees. What they did was lay off part-time workers that were making close to minimum wage. The six-figure managers are still there making over $100,000 a year.
If Measure A passes, you will be paying a 40% higher Utility Tax for your electricity, gas, telephone and cell phone. If you are paying $100 now, your new rate will be $140.
I hope this helps you make an informed decision when you vote on November 2nd. This will be the only email I am sending out about Measure A.
Art Olivier
Former Mayor of Bellflower
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