Thursday, May 27, 2010

BREAKING: Artesia City Council appoints Michele Diaz to fill term of late Councilman Larry Nelson

a zone model (urban planning)Image via Wikipedia
By Randy Economy
May 27, 2010
7:43 p.m.

Artesia, CA:

The City of Artesia has a new city councilwoman tonight.

Michele Diaz has been appointed to serve out the remainder the late Councilman Larry Nelson's term who passed away last month after a short battle with cancer.

Diaz who is a city planner by profession, and a longtime resident of the community has also been a member of the Artesia City Planning Commission. 

She won appointment by receiving the votes of Mayor Tony Lima, Vice Mayor Victor Manalo, and Council Members Sally Flowers and John Lyons.  Lima said that his first choice was Manu Patel, followed by Zylstra, but ended up voting for Diaz in the end.

The other applicants for the position included Manu Patel, William Zylstra, Joyce Yeutter, and Indu Patel.  The seat expires in November 2011.   Flowers and Lyons praised Diaz for her "commitment" to Artesia and her willingness to serve during this "uncertain economic times."

Diaz took the oath of office tonight, and quickly got down to work on the city agenda. the real work begins....
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