Politics in the Age of Facebook, Twitter and Blogger.
By Randy Economy
I love Facebook.
I just started to Twitter, and I have been Blogging for the past 4 years.
Hitt me up, send me a "Friend Request" to "Randy Economy" and viola, you will be my new best pal. Facebook and Twitter is interesting to those of us who enjoy being involved in movements, campaigning for good people in public life, and to keep in touch with those we haven't seen in eons.
It's also a great place to speak out for and against "social causes."
I started a FB Group called "Throw Your Shoes At AIG Chairman Edward Liddy." What a riot. Within hours I had 150 new friends involved in a conversation about the corruption of the failed financial institution that has cost us taxpayers Billions upon Billions of real "bailout" bucks.
Candidates for local, state and national offices are ALL on Facebook.
I love seeing what Meg Whitman is doing in her campaign for California Governor each day on Twitter, and our Attorney General Jerry Brown also has a great following via his new Blackberry.
FB and Twitter and Blogger are great tools to engage new supporters, and to give them "insight" into your personal life, and what you do on a daily basis.
But sometimes, it's a tad disturbing to actually see what some of our elected officials post on their Facebook and "Twitter" updates" or "What I am Doing Right Now."
One local state legislator updates his FB and Twitter "status" at least 10 times a day. Instead of being a candidate for public office, he should be a candidate for a "reality tv" series called, "I'm a Politician, Get Me Out of Here."
"HEY. Just left a fundraiser over at Frank Fats and now heading to another fundraiser at the California Train Museum, then heading over to a friend's place for a pizza and beer bust to watch the Laker game," a recent posting claimed. "Then, I am heading over for a nightcap at Camacho's. PARTY!"
Wait a cotton pickin' minute.
Do I really want to know that much information about the daily doings of those we send to represent us in Sacramento or Washington DC?
Pizza and Beer Parties, Drinking Games in bars, and going to fundraisers every night?
No wonder we are in such a mess here in California.
One night I got flash message from a local Member of Congress telling me that they just woke up with a HUGE hang over after a night of wildness in Georgetown.
Political hangover's in Georgetown?
That's, way too much information.
It's time for us on Facebook to start telling our elected officials to get back to work, and get the job done, and stop the "fun and games" once and for all.
Sacramento and Washington has "Gone Wild."
Social networking sites are a great tool for the people to keep tabs on those we like to call our "public servants."
Take my word on this. During the next campaign here in California, these daily postings from our politicians will come back to bit them in the rear.
Their own words and actions will come back to haunt them. Hang on. I have an incoming message from Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villiaraigosa. He's having din din over at the Ivy with some news anchor gal from KTLA. Now that's HOT!
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