SANTA ANA – Two men previously convicted of attempted murder for shooting an Orange County Sheriff’s Deputy in 1980 have been charged with murder after the paralyzed deputy died in 2010 as a direct result of his injuries from 30 years ago. David Michael Knick, 54, Yucca Valley, and Robert Duston Strong, 55, Riverside, are each charged with one felony count each of murder. If convicted they each face a maximum sentence of 25 years to life in state prison. The People will be requesting the defendants be held on $1 million bail at their arraignment this morning, Friday, Nov. 19,2010, in Department C-J1, Central Jail, Santa Ana.
Circumstances of the 1980 Shooting
In the evening of Nov. 6, 1980, Orange County Sheriff’s Deputies Ira Essoe, then-40, and Greg Brown were on-duty in plain clothes in their unmarked patrol vehicle in the parking lot of a mall in Orange. Brown observed three men in the parking lot standing suspiciously in front of a raised hood of a yellow mustang. The three men, Knick, Strong, and David Vogel, 63, Riverside, then closed the hood and walked away.
Minutes later the deputies again observed the three men standing by a black mustang with an open hood. Essoe and Brown stopped their vehicle and approached the men. Brown walked towards the open door on the passenger side of the vehicle as Essoe approached on the driver’s side. As the plain-clothes deputies approached, Strong pointed a gun at Brown and demanded he put his firearm on the ground.
Immediately after Brown placed his department-issued weapon on the ground, shots were fired hitting Essoe twice in the back, paralyzing him instantly. Brown took cover behind nearby parked cars. Strong and Knick took the deputies’ firearms from the ground, stole their patrol car, and fled the scene. Vogel fled the scene on foot. Witnesses called 911.
Approximately an hour later, Knick and Strong were located by California Highway Patrol and led officers on a high speed chase. During the chase, the defendants crashed the deputies’ patrol car while firing several shots at pursuing officers. Strong and Knick were arrested by police. The Orange Police Department (OPD) investigated the case.
Attempted Murder Convictions
The OCDA filed charges against Knick and Strong. At the time of the crime, there was insufficient evidence to prosecute Vogel. Strong was convicted by a jury on July 20, 1981, of one felony count each of attempted murder, possession of a firearm by a felon, and unlawful taking of a vehicle, and two felony counts each of assault with a deadly weapon and auto burglary. He was sentenced to 17 years and four months in state prison. He was released in January 1991 after serving approximately 10 years in state prison.
Knick was convicted by a jury on Aug. 20, 1981, of one felony count each of attempted murder, unlawful taking of a vehicle, possession of a firearm by a felon, and two felony counts each of assault with a deadly weapon, and auto burglary. He was sentenced to 16 years and eight months in state prison. He was released in June 1990 after serving approximately 9 years in state prison.
Circumstances of the 2010 Charges
As a direct result of being shot in 1980, Essoe was paralyzed and suffered the next 30 years from severe medical complications that resulted in the amputation of both of his legs. He was bed-ridden, causing bed sores and subsequent blood disease. On Feb. 4, 2010, Essoe died due to sepsis of the blood, a blood disease caused by bed sores.
Subsequent medical examinations determined that Essoe’s death was directly caused by the shooting in 1980.
Under the law, there is no statute of limitations on murder if it can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt that a criminal act resulted in a death. In February 2010, OCDA and OPD began investigating Knick and Strong for the murder of
Essoe. The OCDA filed murder charges against Strong and Knick yesterday, Nov. 18, 2010. They were arrested by the OPD.
Senior Deputy District Attorney Scott Simmons of the Homicide Unit is prosecuting this case.
Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens praised the investigators and prosecutors whose investigative efforts culminated in the filing of charges against these two men.
“Building a case on a shooting that occurred more than three decades ago is no small achievement.
It required hard work and professional dedication,” she said.
“The criminal justice system will not let the passage of time protect the men who brutally shot and killed Sergeant Ira Essoe. Sergeant Essoe was a true hero and his death was a loss not only to his family and the Orange County Sheriff’s Department but to the public. He dedicated his life to protecting the public and now we seek justice for his family.”
“Sergeant Essoe, like all of those who died in the line of duty as members of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, will forever live in our hearts. We all offer our support to his family, his children and his widow.”
Who was running??? No one was running from anything. These men were convicted and served their sentences for the crime already. This happened thirty years ago, and they have been good citizens ever since. David Knick has been involved in Pastoring, Ministries, and is a good man who helps anyone in need. He is 53 years old with 3 daughters, 4 grandkids, and 1 more on the way. He has done nothing but good for the last 20 years of his freedom and has helped many people with a positive influence in their lives. This is not JUSTICE. Justice was served when he was charged 30 years ago and completed his sentence in full, showing full remorse for his actions and changing his life to help others. This was David Knick's first and last offense, and he was just with the wrong people at the wrong place and the wrong time. Charging him 30 years later for a crime he already paid for is not justice and is not going to accomplish anything but hurt even more families.
"Amber" is Knick's daughter.... and she has been swamping forums and comment sections with completely disrespectful lies regarding the case. The mere fact that she can't grasp the fact that her dad did a very awful thing and has to pay for it is bad enough. Then she has to make it sound like the whole incident was a mistake. The taking of a human life (or even the attempt) is not a mistake. It it an evil, selfish thing. The only thing her dad has done after leaving prison is avoided going back. That doesn't wipe out what he did. Amber, quit using this to make yourself and your dad sound like martyrs. He is a criminal who made another man's life a 30 year hell. And you are no better by disrespecting the deputy by acting like he deserved it. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Did Knick ever go apologize to Deputy Essoe for making his life a living hell? I would guess not.
"Wrong place at the wrong time" sounds like the story every convict tells in prison. Right after they tell how they are "innocent". It is sickening to see the comments made about how a killer is such a "good" person. He threw that away when he tried to (and eventually succeeded) kill a man.
His loving and media-obsessed family can visit him in prison.
Amber said "Who was running??? No one was running from anything."
Dear.... that would have been during the high-speed car chase while they were shooting at other cops. Y'know, after they fled the crime scene like cowards.
I'm sorry your father is a killer.
'anonymous'...Funny...and you call them cowards...You can't even post your name!!
"Amber" is Knick's daughter.... and she has been swamping forums and comment sections with completely disrespectful lies regarding the case.
really...tell me what 'lies' I've stated...Oh that's what I thought, because I have not stated any lies, And not one thing I have said has been disrespectful towards the officer. I have nothing disrespectful to say about him. Neither my father or any of our family is defending the wrong choices he made 30 years ago. We are only protecting my father against a bunch of disrespectful comments from people who don't even know my father, or the case or the details. I have only made honest comments about my father, and have never once said that my dad's actions were good or that the deputy 'deserved it', so why don't you go back and read it and get your facts straight.
2) Also, "Did Knick ever go apologize to Deputy Essoe for making his life a living hell? I would guess not."
That's why you shouldn't talk about something you don't know... because as a matter of fact, he did. He actually wrote him from prison apologizing for his actions and asking for forgiveness years ago. My father was never proud of what happened, but he did not 'murder' anyone. Fact is that Officer Essoe lived 30 years after the incident. That is not murder.
3)"Wrong place at the wrong time" sounds like the story every convict tells in prison. Right after they tell how they are "innocent". It is sickening to see the comments made about how a killer is such a "good" person. He threw that away when he tried to (and eventually succeeded) kill a man.
HE IS NOT A KILLER, so stop referring to him in that way. And when I say 'wrong place, wrong time', I am referring to my father being with the wrong people and getting caught up in something that he had not intended. I have not once excused his actions, I have merely expressed that he did something wrong, served his sentence, and paid for his crime. And people can make mistakes that they regret, it does not mean they cannot change or be good people. But I'm sorry... You must be perfect...
4)His loving and media-obsessed family can visit him in prison.
MEDIA OBSESSED...No one in our family wants this media. But everyone is making my father out to be someone he IS NOT, and we are going to PROTECT HIM. And if we're media obsessed... then so are you.
Visit him in prison... he did not kill Essoe, so we will not have to visit him in prison.
"Annomous"..I am not going to hide it, i am Davids niece. This is my opinion, the facts as i see them. The comments that you made about my cousin as well as my uncle are absurd! First of all, YOU DO NOT KNOW OUR FAMILY OR DAVID KNICK...you have no room to judge anyone in my family. Yes, we have been on the websites, only to defend someone who we love an care about deeply, as any loving family would. It is hurtful to hear the things being said about my uncle to all of my family. We aren not media obsessed, for your information, the DA called the media at the court date and my cousin was there to support her father, as i would have been also if it would have been possible. Amber didnt plan on being in tv that day. My cousin was 3 years old when her dad was incarceratid for this and you cannot say she cannot grasp what he did 30 years ago..she also has lived with it for most of her life! The facts will all come out soon, i am not at libery to state them at this time, but this is not only the story of a man who made a bad decision 30 years ago, but a man who paid over and over and over in more ways than you can imagine for that night in 1980. You cant tell me that you have never done something in your life that you havent regretted, everyone has, unless you claim to be Jesus Christ, and let me tell you, he is our ONLY judge and he did have his payment for my uncle, you have no idea, and that part of it will be known in good time. My family has also been hurt by the incident, i was 6 and i still remember being in the courtroom at sentencing, although not knowing what was happening, i knew i wouldnt see my uncle for a long time. Our family has NEVER one time said anything bad about the Essoe family, we feel for the deputy, that should not happen to anyone, and in that fact, my uncle would have served 60 years if thats what the judge would have gave him and our family would have accepted that. My uncle didnt have a choice in the amount of years he served. And...when you say he never asked for forgiveness..um, i dont know where you are getting your facts, but while in prison, after my uncle was saved, he wrote the deputy a letter asking for forgiveness. We are not saying it was a "mistake" at that time, more better worded a "bad choice at the time"...but did you ever stop to think that if my ucnle as well as mr. strong wanted to kill the deputy, um..they had a perfect opportunity to do so and they didnt. The cops didnt even get to them in the freeway chase until 10 minutes after the shots were fired..there was no intention to murder anyone. Again as far as the media, well its our familys only defense against the orange county sherrifs dept, which we all know his children all are police..ever hear of rodney king..kinda something like that..so you know what, the media is ALL that we have. we are not stupid to try to take on a "fraternity" like the OCSD..we know that the pd, coroner and everyone has no sympathy for anyone in our family. So yes, you will continue to hear form not only Amber but me as well, we will not stop unil we have exhausted every option we can to vindicate this. Again, we do feel deeply sad for Sgt. Essoe and his family, but if you all want to make this ugly, then i am sorry for you, cause we are only trying to fight for what is right. How would you feel if Sgt. Essoe was in the wheelchair, and by a miracle was able to walk again, only to get in an accident and get paralized again..it would be devistating..right? that is what we are going thru. You are entitled to your opinion, look us up on facebook...we will be sure and answer anymore remarks you may have directly for us!
Very well put Georgia. As I said... we are not excusing their decisions and bad choices, only defending my father, because he IS a good man, and a man of the lord, and he has helped many people since being out. He has shown remorse and has never even tried to excuse his actions.
And we are only trying to show the REAL David Knick to the public, because he is one of the most kind,loving and honest men you could ever meet. He has children who he has raised to be loving, caring and forgiving people, as well as grandchildren that he means the world to. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I am stating facts and opinions of my own father, which I have the right to do. But do not accuse me of making up 'lies' unless you can back it up. I am not telling any lies.
Amber, I just wrote a post on this subject - http://regansravings.blogspot.com/2010/11/man-being-tried-for-murder-nearly.html -
and you are welcome to make any comments that you would like.
I have also provided a link back to this article.
Thank you so much for writing that article! It was very well said. And my father does not deserve this at all. He paid for his crime and has faced his bad choices 30 years ago. To bring this up again 30 years later and try to charge them with murder is completely insane. Supposedly our jails are overfull, and they want to put two old men, who have been nothing but good citizens for the last 20 years back in jail for a crime that was committed 30 years ago when they were in their 20's. Makes absolutely no sense... they are really reaching here, and you are correct, it was only because it was an officer. If this was applied to every case of assault, battery, attempted murder, then imagine how full our jails would be of men that committed crimes decades ago. People do things they regret, and there is no turning back time...however my father and his friend PAID for what they did, and have not been in trouble since. This is appears to be a case of revenge for Essoe's family, and it is unjustified and going to accomplish nothing. Thanks for writing that article!
Thanks for keeping us up to date on this case. I wonder how this trail is going to end? Amazing to watch from the "sidelines."
Annomomous...the "trail" will end with David being back home to us all. Go plot with your family some more, the Lord says "vengance is mine" so just keep that in mind.
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