Joe Louie Kurihara, 23 (dob 7-29-1987), was scheduled to appear for arraignment after 1:30 p.m. today in Department D, Pasadena Superior Court, 300 E. Walnut St.
Kurihara was charged in case No. GA081441 with the felony child endangerment count, along with four misdemeanor charges. The misdemeanor counts are two of resisting, obstructing or delaying law enforcement, one of battery upon an officer and one of public intoxication. Bail was recommended at $100,000.
The child, identified in the complaint as Dylan K., was found in a Pasadena parking garage near where he had been seen with his father on Saturday. The boy, his father and mother had attended a wedding nearby.
Kurihara was arrested later by Pasadena police on suspicion of public drunkenness. Early Sunday morning, the boy’s mother called saying the child and his father were missing.
The little boy was found in Kurihara’s car by a citizen who had joined in the search.
The case was filed by Deputy District Attorney Lee Mitchell and has not yet been assigned a prosecutor. If convicted of the felony charge, Kurihara faces a possible maximum prison term of six years.
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