September 10, 2010
1:16 a.m.
San Bruno, CA
Tonight, as the nightmare in San Bruno plays out before hundreds of millions of viewers and readers via the internet all over the Globe, I have been monitoring Facebook, and Twitter, and mySpace, and many other social network sites for updates as they happen.
The City of San Bruno's website does not even mention the crisis within its own Municipality. I understand that they are facing a crisis but someone needs to get on the computer over at City Hall or on a lap top and start communicating....
Here are some NEWSFLASHES that are up via the 'net, and I wanted to post some of the newest details.
- Listen to live fire traffic (San Mateo FD & CalFire) here http://bit.ly/bqYM3H Thanks to @radioreference #SanBrunoFire
- FOX40 NEWS ALERT is REPORTING THAT Acting CALIFORNIA Governor Abe Maldonado has declared a state of emergency for San Bruno.
- FOX40 News also reported: Stranded pets being relocated to PetSmart on El Camino Real in San Bruno
- P.Diddy told his followers on Twitter that: Blood Centers of the Pacific is in need of 0-Neg Blood. Call 1-888-393-GIVE to donate NOW!
- Friends/Family please meet at Tanforan Mall if you are unable to contact friends/family at a shelter or home.
- Emergency Shelter Hotline for #SanBruno Explosion & Fire victims call (650) 616-7180
- anyone in need of assistance or shelter can contact the Red Cross at 1-888-443-5722 (888-4-HELP-BAY)
- TheFireTracker2 #SanBrunoFire All San Mateo County Hospitals recalling off-duty E/R personnel Bruno fire (1:19 a.m.)
- South of #SanBruno Ave will have power soon....coming up in the next couple of minutes
- For people still trying to locate family members, a 2nd shelter was set up at the Church of the Highlands at 1900 Monterey Dr.
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