Monday, August 16, 2010

WORLD WIDE CONVERSATION: The tragedy at the California 200 has caused us to watch and think about life

Personal thought...

Within the past 48 hours, I have had more than 31,000 people read about the tragic event at the California 200 Road Race here on my Blog.

At one point I was getting more than 50 readers per second.

People, race fans, journalists, friends of the victims, family members,witnesses of the crash, and folks  from more than 45 countries have read the details about this horrific event here on my blog.

My heart is with all of those who have lost so much this past weekend.

If one good thing can come out of this, I hope that these type of events can become safer.

It is a conversation we need to have.  It is about safety, and regulating, and making sure this never happens again.  Thanks for your comments and readership.  My blog is a vehicle for sharing the world around us...regardless where you call home.

Bless YOU ALL!

Randy Economy

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