Monday, August 02, 2010

Holy Crap: The Ty-D-Bowl Man died on Monday.

By Randy Economy
Monday, August 2, 2010
11:40 p.m.


The world famous Ty-D-Bowl man has died.

Yep, I hate to break the news to you...but stage and screen actor Dan Resin, who portrayed the "out of this world"  Ty-D-Bol Man in television commercials for more than 25 years has died of Parkinson's disease. He was 79.

As a child, I would always peek under the lid...just hoping...and actually get a glimpse of the Ty-D-Bol Man, all dressed up in that super clean captain uniform with his handy dandy sail boat and ladder.  

Awe...good times!

Actually, a family member of mine had problems getting "potty trained" because the blue water always "freaked" her out. 

She hated the whole "Ty-D-Bowl" experience. I am witholding her name to protect her from harrassment in the work place.

Anyway...Dan is sittin' back on that cloud tonight, cleaning and deodorize the toilet bowls in  Heaven, flush after flush.


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Randy Economy said...

Thanks...just doing the work of the People....

Anonymous said...

This is a sad moment for America. RIP. Don't make fun of the dead...