Sunday, July 18, 2010

BREAKING (OUCH!) NEWS: Da' Mayer of Los Angeles Broke his shoulder! Sorry Antonio....

Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.Image via Wikipedia
Breaking News
By Randy Economy
July 19, 2010
8:20 CST

News about our Mayor's fall "from his cycle mahn" has made to local news here in Kingston, 5000 miles away from Venice, California.

Yep, when Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa broke his elbow in a bicycle accident Saturday evening, I heard about it from one of the local Jamaican blogs.
This is what I hear.

Da'  mayor was riding in the bicycle lane on Venice Boulevard in Mid-City at about 6:50 p.m. when a taxi abruptly pulled in front of him. The mayor hit his brakes and fell off the bike and busted a bone.

He ran into a taxi cab?  ARE you kidding me?

Trust me, you should see how these guys ride bikes in Kingston.  OMG, Antonio would NOT  stand a chance on these crazy streets.

Anyway, sending love to our Mayer in LA, mahn.

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1 comment:

Randy Fan said...

Nothing gets past the Pirate. Right on Randy. Keep the Mayor on his TOES....