Friday, January 13, 2012

GRAPHIC VIDEO WARNING: US Troops peeing on Afghan soliders outrages Americans

This video of the Marines urinating on dead Insurgents are beginning to make the rounds.

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Image via CrunchBase
The pentagon is conducting a full investigation. On the video, seen above, shows Marines on video relieving themselves on dead Afghans. This was taken from You Tube. Tbis short clip has managed to make its way to the internet. According to a note included with the video, the US servicemen were members of the Marine Scout Sniper Team 4 and the 3rd Battalion 2nd Marines from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Let the investigation begin.
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Sher Khan said...

Hey guys this is only a single inhuman acts , thousants of in human acts that was not come in media before , human rights just a name in countries lik afgan , us is hell for others , they r only try b in safe position.... And they are the worlds bigist terrorists , bush and now obama are the part of their anti islam policies.

Anonymous said...

Hello,I am a solider In the U.S Army. These action go against the military's teaching. I have been through so much training about doing the RIGHT THING showing respect to the dead !!.It a war crime desecrating the dead is STRONGLY opposed, Theses marines knew what they were doing were wrong. The first rule was not to take any pictures of the dead. That will get you in a lot of trouble. Urinating on a dead corps will get them thrown in prison and discharged. I hope this proves to be a fake but even then People views will be changed even if it was a hoax. I hope They throw the book at them make an example.