Friday, December 23, 2011

TRUMP FIRES GOP! Donald is about to crash '12 Presidential Party

English: Donald Trump's signature.
Image via Wikipedia
By Randy Economy
speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on Februar...
Image via Wikipedia
I was just watching NBC LA at the 11 p.m. newscast, and just about fell off my chair when I heard the news that Donald Trump as "fired" the Republican Party and has registered as an "Independent."  Okay.  Get ready for the HOTTEST THREE WAY PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN in the history of the United States.  Is Trump in?  Is Obama out? What does Mitt and Newt, and the rest of the GOP think?  I remember when I left the Democratic Party after the "John Kerry Campaign."  I totally love being a "TRUE INDEPENDENT" voter.  Yep, we "Declined to Staters" don't have to worry about "political party rules" or "political party bosses" or "politics as usual."  I wish that the rest of America would "get it" and do like Donald and I did and switch to "No Party" in 2012.

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