Friday, October 21, 2011

HAWAIIAN GARDENS DESPERATE POLITICIANS! Los Cerritos Community News takes on "angry" pols who will say or do anything to get elected

This is today's lead editorial in Los Cerritos Community News regarding the recent actions of Hawaiian Gardens City Councilman Barry Bruce and his side kick Councilman Rey Rodriguez.  Bruce and Rodriguez do not believe in a "free press" and have been on a public campaign to discredit the coverage of LCCN over the past several weeks.  Game on, boys.  Los Cerritos Community News at

Hawaiian Gardens needs to vote for Mayor Mike Gomez and Councilman Victor Farfan or go back to the days of drugs and crime.
Barry Bruce said some very disturbing things from the dais at the Oct. 11, 2011 council meeting. It is showing a pattern of fiscal irresponsibility, outright misstatements and hell-bent-for-leather actions to take over the city with his two lackeys Kathy Trimble and Mauricio Arroyo. All in the face of certified documentation that shows these two candidates are shams.
And in typical fashion Bruce is trying to deflect attention by saying, during a city council meeting no less, that LCCN prints falsehoods.
Bruce is desperate to get his candidates elected; that is candidates plural because Arroyo and Trimble have recently joined forces.
So now Bruce (and lap-dog Rey Rodriguez) have officially hooked their crazy train to a disgraced former mayor of HG and candidates who have nothing resembling city experience; Trimble is a food service employee at ABCUSD and Arroyo a building inspector. Even more disturbing, Arroyo was fired for inappropriate behavior from the city of HG and has never voted in an HG election; and Trimble just moved into a mobile home in the city that was paid for in full by check. How does someone making $15 per hour cut a $129,000 check? Maybe she can't, LCCN has learned there was a lien placed on the mobile home after the purchase. Worse, showing no interest in the city, Trimble has not voted in an HG election in ten years.
And Bruce (and sidekick Rey) have the city's best interest in mind? Really?
During the Oct. 11 council meeting, Bruce indicated he did not care if the city will spend more money on legal advertising with the Press Telegram versus LCCN because we print falsehoods.
Bruce said, "It’s one thing to print the truth and its one thing to print a lie, like a publication like the National Enquire.....when there has been so many obvious corrections (mistakes) that have been made (in LCCN) and been proven. If you want documentation, I can give you plenty of documentation that shows that the things printed have been completely inaccurate in many respects and I can pretty well prove that...(at) the next meeting."
The articles and information Bruce is ranting about related to his sham candidates are:
• Trimble moving into the city after ten years
• Trimble voting record
• Arroyo residency
•Arroyo voting record
• Campaign money linking Bruce, Navejas, Groom, Trimble and Arroyo
• Arroyo's inappropriate behavior and firing.
Below is certified documentation proving each point. Case closed Mr. Bruce. LCCN demands a public retraction.
Needless to say this is very alarming. A city councilman ( and his pal ) endorsing two candidates who have no business running for office, publicly supported by a disgraced former mayor.
This is why the residents of Hawaiian Gardens need to vote for Mayor Mike Gomez and Councilman Victor Farfan. 

The future of the city depends on it.
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