By Randy Economy
Los Angeles, CA
12:55 a.m. PST
July 2o, 2011
Was it poetic justice, or was it just plain wrong?

The elderly Murdoch was providing evidence at the Culture Media and Sport committee on the phone-hacking scandal that keeps growing and growing and the British Parliament on Tuesday.
First of all, I am NOT a Murdoch fan. He has gotten away with far too much, for far too long, and now the world is watching him collapse. Wonder what old Rup' was thinking about when he got "pie faced" on Tuesday?
Murdoch is a fake and a fraud who is now getting a taste of his own medicine. When can the United States JUSTICE SYSTEM get this clown on a witness stand. Stay tuned. This is going to be fun to watch.
Poetic Justice....
LMAO. So much for "British Protection" for the most "powerful" media man in the world. Looked like a set up to me.
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