By Randy Economy
Staff Reporter
Los Cerritos Community News
Saturday, July 2, 2011
8:38 p.m.
Hawaiian Gardens, CA
A neighborhood in Hawaiian Gardens was the scene of an intense search Friday night and into early Saturday morning, after an adult male hispanic was shot at least one time at or near a residence at 221st Street and Seine Avenue.
According to Los Angeles County Deputy Luis Castro, members of the Lakewood Sheriff's Department received a call Friday evening about several shots being fired. When deputies arrived on the scene, they found one victim, described as a male adult with a gun shot wound. Some neighbors told media outlets that they first thought that they were hearing firecrackers but it turned out to the "several gun shots."
After a brief search of the neighborhood, a special weapons unit was dispatched to the scene and a door to door search and investigation was launched. Deputy Castro, from the LASD Media Relations Division in Monterey Park said that victim was transported to an area hospital where is current condition is not known.

If anyone has information about this incident, are urged to call the Lakewood Sheriff's Department at 562 623-3500.
For more information visit the Los Cerritos Community News at www.loscerritosnews.net
1 comment:
There is always going to be on going trouble in HG, The Sheriffs Go Around Really Just Messing With anyone they Want To ANd Feel They Can Do What They Want. Thats Not Right All Of Us Are Not Doing Wrong.
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