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Ladd Elhinger: Political Viral Guru strikes again! |
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
5:28 a.m. PST
5:28 a.m. PST
Ladd Ehlinger, who calls himself "America's Satirical Political Viral Video Producer" has struck again.
His newest piece of work is being call the "all time worst political attack ad of all time," and he couldn't be more thrilled.
His newest piece of work is being call the "all time worst political attack ad of all time," and he couldn't be more thrilled.
The :90 second ad has sparked a national outrage and debate from the halls of Congress and on social networking sites, blogs, and news outlets coast to coast.
Ehlinger, is missing the brew ha ha that has broken out here in Southern California over his latest "viral ad." He is more than 2500 miles away in Huntsville, Arkansas, doing what he say he does best, "creating a political buzz."
Hahn is facing upstart Republican businessman Craig Huey in the upcoming July 11th Special Congressional District Election in California's 26th District. The seat was vacated earlier this year when longtime Congresswoman Jane Harman (D) resigned to take a job at a east coast think tank.
"I stand by my ad 100%, and it is driven by facts and I tried to interject humor so people would actually watch it," Ehlinger told me. The ad on Hahn, directly portrays the Los Angeles city councilwoman as being a friend of "street gangs" and someone who is "wrong for us and America." Ehlinger, 42, who is a native of New Orleans, currently resides in the South Bay Los Angeles district were Hahn and Huey are punching it out. This is one of the nastiest congressional campaigns in recent memory and it has been going on for months.
"A buddy of mine and I were sitting around talking about the election to replace Harman, and I decided to do some research on the candidates including Hahn and others," Ehlinger said. "Then, I saw an episode of South Park, and saw a hysterical episode that featured a rap song entitled "Shake Your Ass Bitch, and I knew that I had to use this song " that has many versions on the web.
"I have produced a lot of political viral ads in the past, but this one has exploded beyond my wildest dreams," Ehlinger said. "It has taken off like no other political ad I have produced," Ehlinger said.
Both Hahn and Huey are decrying the ad. Hahn is demanding an investigation by the Federal Elections Commission. Ehlinger told me that the FEC has no "no teeth" on "policing" Internet viral videos, since it does not air of broadcast or cable television.
Ehlinger is no stranger to political viral videos. He has "proudly" produced at least a half dozen other "parody ads" that mocks "big spending liberals" who are "bought and paid for by special interests."
"I haven't been paid one penny by the Huey campaign for this ad, or from any other political action committee," period.

"The liberal crowd are calling me a racist, and that I am evil, and that there is no place for these kind of ads in campaigns," Ehlinger laughed. "Yes it is hard core, and over the edge, but everyone in American is talking about it."
Ehlinger also produced many "off the hook" political ads in the past. Including these ad on behalf of Dale Peterson for Alabama Agriculture Commissioner...(over 500,000 hits on You Tube)...
The "Young Mattie Fein" spoof on Rep. Jane Harman, over 700,000 hits on You Tube...
Rick Barber, running for Congress in the Montgomery Alabama area entitled Gather Your Armies.
John Dennis For Congress in 2010 vs. then Speaker Nancy Pelosi, over 1 million hits.
Early Wednesday morning, the Hahn Campaign blasted out the following (unedited) response to the ad to her supporters that also includes a plea to donate to her campaign to "fight Craig Huey." "I thought I’d seen extreme, offensive campaign ads before, but then I saw the latest video posted by Craig Huey supporters. If you haven’t watched it, don’t. But know that its degrading to women in the worst way, and any reasonable candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives would demand that his supporters apologize and take down the video. Instead, we have to fight this kind of thing ourselves, and we need your help. Fighting back against an ad like this means contacting a lot of voters very quickly, and that takes resources. There are 27 days left before voters head to the polls. We’re in for a tough home stretch before Election Day, and Janice could really use your support.
Ehlinger website statement:
"Before you charge racism at the ad, consider her one line in the video: "It takes a different kind of person to speak the language." By that she means, it takes black people to talk to black people. It takes gang members to talk to gang members. They have their own language, we should coddle them. They're not responsible for their actions if they murder someone, rape someone. They're a minority. All of that's bunk. I'm from New Orleans. We have creole food, we have Cajun food, we have french food, and we mix it all up. Anyone can talk to anyone. And the main message to gang members in any city should be: want to kill someone? Want to rape someone? Meet Mr. Policeman. He will escort you to jail.This Clockwork Orange crap about hiring criminals to persuade other criminals to stop their crime is beyond stupid. Hahn is liberal Jane Harman (Newsweek, Daily Beast) approved, which means Hahn is also George Soros approved. Another reason to have fun at her expense, and let people know what an idiot she was and is.
So, hang on to your hats. This "special" election still has three weeks to go. Who will be the last candidate standing? Stay tuned, and stay glued to You Tube.
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I actually heard about this ad from NBC LA. I watched it on line. I applaud Ladd for his lack of taste and crud comments. BTW. He is right about one thing, everyone in Washington DC are a bunch of thugs and crooks....
Dude, how can anyone be so mean to poor Janice?
The "television" journalists who are covering this "situation" are doing a TOTAL SHITTY JOB. What ever happen to REAL NEWS PEOPLE in LOS ANGELES? Great report, Randy.
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