By Randy Economy
Thursday, April 7, 2011
1:25 a.m.
Bell, CA
Today begins a new chapter in the history book for the people of Bell, California.
Thursday, April 7, 2011.
Independence Day for the City of Bell, CA!
Let Freedom Ring.
This now famous one square mile city located just southeast of Downtown Los Angeles is about to become the biggest and most hopeful municipality in America when five residents raise their right hands and take the Oath of Office as become the new BELL CITY COUNCIL.
Today, Bell has the BIGGEST civic pride anywhere in America! Tonight, I will be thrill to witness history in Bell. I have been witness to the "change" in Bell for the past two years, just like hundreds and thousands of others just like YOU and I!
So, congrats to new Bell City Council!
Ana Maria Quintana, Nestor Valencia, Ali Saleh, Danny Harber and Violeta Alvarez. The people have spoken. Period.
These five people will raise their right hand, pledge to the Constitution to the United States of America, and the Constitution to the State California. But most importantly...they will pledge to FOLLOW all the LAWS of the land, and to take this obligation freely.
The whole world is watching. Yes. Today is a new day in Bell.
Amen, to that brother.
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Thursday, April 7, 2011
1:25 a.m.
Bell, CA
Today begins a new chapter in the history book for the people of Bell, California.
Thursday, April 7, 2011.
Independence Day for the City of Bell, CA!
Let Freedom Ring.
This now famous one square mile city located just southeast of Downtown Los Angeles is about to become the biggest and most hopeful municipality in America when five residents raise their right hands and take the Oath of Office as become the new BELL CITY COUNCIL.
The wild ride in Bell is over.... |
So, congrats to new Bell City Council!
Ana Maria Quintana, Nestor Valencia, Ali Saleh, Danny Harber and Violeta Alvarez. The people have spoken. Period.
What a weird, strange and wild trip this has been...for now! |
The whole world is watching. Yes. Today is a new day in Bell.
Amen, to that brother.
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