By Randy Economy
Monday, April 4, 2012
4 a.m. (Left Coast Time)
Obamanation, USA
Here we go. Campaign 2012 is now OFFICIALLY underway.
Yep. President Obama just sent out his "FIRST" official campaign web mail to anxious supporters that touts his accomplishments, his hopes for another term, and oh yeah, money. He wants your Obanma Bucks for his campaign kitty, and that means "pronto." Slick clip is called "It Begins With Us." Huh? Serious. Actually look for a parody to be launched within hours by the GOP claiming "It Begins With YOUR MONEY!"
This is what Team Obama placed on their official "You Tube Page" just a couple of minutes ago:
"The politics we believe in starts not with expensive TV ads or extravaganzas, but with you — with people organizing block-by-block, talking to neighbors, co-workers and friends.
And that kind of campaign takes time to build. So even though the race may not reach full speed for a year or more, the work of laying the foundation for our campaign must start today.
In the coming days, supporters like you will begin forging a new organization that we'll build together in cities and towns across the country. And we'll need you to help shape our plan as we create a campaign that's farther reaching, more focused, and more innovative than anything we've built before.
We'll start by doing something unprecedented: coordinating millions of one-on-one conversations between supporters across every single state, reconnecting old friends, inspiring new ones to join the cause, and readying ourselves for next year's fight."

Whatcha talkin' bout?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Time has arrived to get out your checkbooks, or ATM cards are start pouring in the loot to "Team Obama."
I would say The Prez and his "political committees" are going to have to chip in at least $1,000,000,000.00 to keep the White House "blue" in 2012.
Get ready. Special Interests CAN'T WAIT. Lobbyists are lined up over where the Cherry Blossoms are blooming today, with check books in their hands!
Watch you wallets. If you know what I mean.

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