Monday, March 21, 2011
8:30 p.m.
Tustin, CA
We now know the name of the victim who died today in that horrific "car dragging" accident that took place in Tustin.
The Orange County Sheriff-Coroner identified the victim killed at Berna Martinez, age 74. The accident took place at 11:43 a.m. during a rainstorm. Martinez was hit by a vehicle who was exiting the northbound 5 Freeway at Red Hill Avenue.
Her body was found at Newport and Walnut avenues, nearly one half mile away, according to law enforcement.
If you have any additional thoughts, or have a special memory of Berna, please feel free to leave a comment below this blog post.
More details later.
My thoughts and Prayers go out to Berna and her family and friends, and I also Pray for all those involved in this tragic situation.

that was my grandma
thank you for your kind words
im sorry for your lose i got the news today. that was my grandpa's sister.
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
I was one of the many I am sure, that called emergency for her.
Thought you would like to know as of April 9th this lady still has not been charged regarding this accident. If it was you or I involved we would have had cuffs slapped on our hands. Thank you all for your condsideration regading this life.
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