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Coruption can run rampant, especially in our local school board and community college districts....
I have been following this case since DAY 1! I have had tens of thousands of people read my blog over the past couple of years regarding the prosecution of Karen Ann Christiansen and Jeffrey Hubbard, two of the seediest officials in public education in the entire United States. Share your THOUGHTS about today's conviction...please post this on your FB or Social Media site.
Image by buckofive via Flickr |
From the Media Division at the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office
A former Beverly Hills Unified School District official was convicted today of conflict of interest and taking more than $1.3 million through a building management contract she steered to herself, the District Attorney’s Public Integrity Division announced. Deputy District Attorney Max Huntsman said Karen Anne Christiansen, 53, was convicted of four counts of conflict of interest with an excessive taking allegation of more than $1.3 million found true. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Stephen Marcus immediately ordered Christiansen remanded into custody and increased her bail to $400,000. Sentencing for the defendant is scheduled for Jan. 5 in Department 102 of the Foltz Criminal Justice Center. Christiansen faces a maximum state prison term of eight years. Christiansen – the former facilities director for the district who was hired in 2004 at an annual salary of $113,000 – encouraged the district to borrow money for a building campaign while planning to steer the management contract to herself. Christiansen’s company, Strategic Concepts, ultimately received the contract and began drawing more than $200,000 a month until she was terminated. Christiansen also negotiated contracts with an energy firm, Johnson Controls, to do work for the district while simultaneously negotiating contracts with her own company and Johnson Controls. Co-defendant Jeffrey Hubbard, 54, the former superintendent of the Beverly Hills Unified School District, faces three counts of misappropriation of public funds in connection with the case. Hubbard – now superintendent of the Newport Mesa Unified School District – was charged in December 2010 with two counts of misappropriation of public funds for allegedly giving Christiansen more than $20,000 in unauthorized gifts and giving her increases in her car allowance that were unauthorized by the board. On Oct. 11, Hubbard was arraigned on a Grand Jury indictment charging him with a new count of misappropriation of public funds. The new charge stems from the defendant’s alleged direction of a subordinate to give a raise to a female employee without school board authorization. His next court date is Dec. 12 for a pretrial.

Below...VIDEO of DR. JEFFREY HUBBARD on "CITY TALK" in Costa Mesa. He could be starring in "Prison Talk" in 2011.
By Randy Economy
Thursday, December 9, 2010
11:12 p.m.
Newport Beach, CA
Orange County educators Jeffrey Hubbard and Karen Christiansen are in deep trouble tonight, and if Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley has his way, these two could be trading their school careers for a long hall pass in prison.
Amazing news in the OC that Newport-Mesa Unified School District Superintendent Jeffrey Hubbard was charged on Thursday with two felony counts of misappropriating public funds while serving as schools chief in Beverly Hills, more than four years ago. Hubbard, (who is seen in this video posted here touting his wonderment on the Newport-Mesa school district website) has been in the tony OC school enclave since '06.
Los Angeles County District Attorney prosecutors are saying that Hubbard gave Christiansen (his ex- Beverly Hills Unified School District colleague) an mega-increase in her car taxpayer paid allowance that were not approved by the school board. Opps. Can't do that, pal. (Okay. Here is $20K and go "buy yourself a really cool car, and don't tell anyone....").
Hubbard was booked into Los Angeles County Jail with a bond set at $50,000. Christiansen, the ex-facilities director, allegedly received $20,000 from Hubbard, and was paid total of $5.2 million by Beverly Hills Unified between 2006 and 2009, according to prosecutors. WTf? She made HOW MUCH in four years? $5.2 million? Hell, how can I get a job like this? Is this a new "Bell" on the horizon?
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Brew Ha Ha over Hubbard. |
She was charged Thursday with two counts of misappropriating public funds, plus five counts of conflict of interest. I wonder what color jail jumper will look the best on her?
Here is more on ole' Dr. Jeff... (BTW...he is telling lots of media that he is totally "innocent" of these charges. Well, pal, save it for the Jury).
Hubbard assumed the role of Superintendent of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District in July of 2006. This role marks Dr. Hubbard’s second career Superintendency of his 18-year educational administrative career. Prior to coming to N-MUSD, he served as Superintendent of the Beverly Hills Unified School District in Beverly Hills, Ca. Dr. Hubbard’s own educational experience includes: California State University, San Bernardino; University of California, Santa Barbara; University of Redlands; and the University of Southern California.
Dr. Hubbard’s vision for Newport-Mesa continues to evolve as evidenced by his collective work with the board, staff, students and families of Newport-Mesa. He often quotes a former professor that “What collectively we believe in” will craft the District’s vision during his tenure with the District. Now, as the Superintendent enters his fifth summer, his approach using informal communication, transparency and candor continues to resonate throughout the District. Through his compassionate and consistent message of raising awareness of our own roles as contributors to the success of the District through personal accountability, we continue to see a change in attitudes, working relationships, and yes, an increase in dealing with our individual and collective “ground level truth.” A greater understanding of the collective big picture has emerged. A trend has formed in alignment with Dr. Hubbard’s constant message of “be hard on the issues and soft on the people.” Dr. Hubbard’s baseline for every decision he makes is “how does this affect students and their success.” He monitors every level of the organization from this perspective. He is an avid supporter of Professional Learning Communities (PLC).
Anyway, nothing "official" listed on the web site from the Newport Mesa Unified School District. Hummm. Wonder why?
Hey, HIT MY COMMENT SECTION? Whatcha THINKIN about this? Send my blog to your pals. SOUND OFF!
He did his CRIME in BEVERLY HILLS. He isn't "OUR CROOK" here in Newport-Mesa. I wonder if he will get fired over "here" in Newport-Mesa for "lying" to the Board of Education about his "past?"
So he gives $20K and gets caught. Yet, this woman in question also makes over $5 million in public money over a four or five year period and no one has any clue about it in Beverly Hill Unified. The public needs to RECALL everyone in BEVERLY HILLS UNIFIED for allowing this "crime" to take place in the first place.
I know Jeffrey. He doesn't fit the "image" of a greedy crook. But then again, he did leave Beverly Hills rather fast... Makes me wonder if this is the same guy I think I "know."
This is another case of why voters need to UNDERSTAND what happens to OUR TAXES in our local school districts.
Did he actually get arrested?
First, 'she' didn't get paid $5 M, her company did. Which, btw, employed 13 people and performed the services that they were hired by BHUSD to do as a Program and Project Management firm. Not unlike the services being performed by the new PM firm BHUSD has hired since, and for more money.
Second, there were no 'secret' deals, the Board approved the new contract in open session. If they had such issue with the clauses in the contract why didn't they say something five years ago???
BHUSD is full of some pretty shady people, but these two are not them.
Dr. Hubbard has been an outstanding leader in the Newport School District. I believe this is Beverly Hills' problem. This is an outrageous abuse of power by the Beverly Hlls School Board. Prosecute the real criminals!
To the above "post." I am on the Beverly Hills Unified School Board and trust me, this action was taken by the DISTRICT ATTORNEY, not us. Get that straight right now. Besides, no one is ever above the law. Period. Hubbard is "your" problem now, not ours.
Hey Beverly Hills Board member- where did the DA get the information? Isn't this all because Hubbard was going to testify against your dysfunctional school district?
Another good question would be, how much has BHUSD 'appropriated' from the General Fund or Measure E Bond money, in order to pay for this fictitous lawsuit? The way it appears to me, is as if they attempted to void Christensen's contract in order to get out of paying her for 'cause' or 'convenience' which was a fee stipulated in the contract if they wished to replace her. In essence, all they had to do was fire her if they wanted to get another Construction Management Firm in play. Instead it appears they were advised by their lawyers to use government code 1090 'conflict of interest' to avoid paying the termination fee. Those fees have far been surpassed in the last 16 months of ongoing litigation, by TWO different law firms representing BHUSD. One of the law firms which has only taken over this case in the past few months. Interesting that these 'criminal' charges suddenly appeared 3 days before the civil trial was set to start on December the 13th. Could this be, because the litigation evidence clearly proved that Christiansen DID NOT misappropriate funds? Interesting also that Jeff Hubbard attested to this fact in earlier depositions, and then is suddenly nailed for authorizing a stipend and car allowance raise, that the board supposedly did not know about. Doesn't BHUSD have strict protocal and require multiple signatures for all transactions done through payroll? Not only was there not a 'secret' contract (btw, all meetings about the contract are public record and can be accessed on the BHUSD website in the archives); but there was no 'secret' payment either. This case has been a huge waist of public funds, most of which the public remains largely unaware. Randy, I hope that you are interested in the facts, and if you are a 'pirate' you may want to be on board NOW before the truth comes out....rather than afterwards. True journalism is not's investigation.
Newporter what are you saying he lied about?
BHUSD Board Member?? Why dont you just use your name? Its easy just say, Hi my name is Brian Goldberg I am a tepmorary BHUSD Board Member.
Hey BHUSD Board Member why didnt you show up in court today? Is it because they dropped 4 charges? Or because you took off out of state so they couldn't find you. Chicken s--t your the fruad in this whole case Brian Goldburg.
Beverly Hills Unified trustees may have unwittingly approved a $20,000 bonus given in 2006 by then-superintendent Jeffrey Hubbard to a female employee with whom he flirted, according to testimony Wednesday in Hubbard’s misappropriation case.
However, the bonus — in the form of two $10,000 checks — was likely stuck among hundreds of other checks in a routine purchase report presented to the board for a bulk vote, said one witness in the preliminary hearing this week for Hubbard and co-defendant Karen Anne Christiansen. Hubbard now is superintendent for Newport-Mesa Unified School District, where board members continue to back him.
Former Beverly Hills Unified trustee Myra Demeter testified Wednesday that all checks are approved in bulk by the board. But Demeter said the $20,000 stipend to Christiansen — former facilities director — should have been singled out and presented to trustees.
“There would have to be a renegotiation of the contract and it would have to be voted on in open session,” Demeter testified before Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Kathryn Solozano.
Hubbard, 53, faces two counts of misappropriation of public funds for increasing Christiansen’s car allowance from $150 monthly to $500 and for giving her the $20,000 stipend, both allegedly without the approval of Beverly Hills trustees.
Christiansen, 52, was charged with misappropriation for taking the money, but those counts have been dropped by prosecutors. She now faces four counts of conflict of interest for recommending to the board a $334 million school construction bond that earned her firm $2.2 million. She also supported three contracts between Beverly Hills and a company that paid her $15,000.
Hubbard is free on his own recognizance, while Christiansen is in custody with bail set at $2 million. Both have pleaded not guilty.
The preliminary hearing is to determine whether there is enough evidence to warrant a criminal trial. During testimony Tuesday and Wednesday, Hubbard’s attorney, Salvatore Ciulla, tried to show during cross-examination that trustees did in fact approve the payments ordered by Hubbard.
“We’re confident the information was contained in what was presented to the board,” Ciulla said outside the courtroom. “Hubbard was nothing but transparent.”
Attorneys for Christiansen, through their questioning, are trying to establish that she was not bound by state conflict of interest law because she became a private consultant to the district — no longer an officer or an employee. Prosecutors contend that it doesn’t matter– she still held a lot of sway with district board members and conducted herself as a district official.
The case took a tawdry turn last week when the Orange County Register obtained emails between Hubbard and Christiansen laced with sexual innuendo. Included in the official school emails was a tiff between the defendants on the same day that Hubbard increased Christiansen’s car allowance. The emails, independently obtained by prosecutors, are expected to be entered as evidence Thursday when the hearing continues at the Los Angeles Superior Court’s Airport branch.
From the OC REGISTER on JAN 19, 2011
Beverly Hills Unified trustees may have unwittingly approved a $20,000 bonus given in 2006 by then-superintendent Jeffrey Hubbard to a female employee with whom he flirted, according to testimony Wednesday in Hubbard’s misappropriation case.
However, the bonus — in the form of two $10,000 checks — was likely stuck among hundreds of other checks in a routine purchase report presented to the board for a bulk vote, said one witness in the preliminary hearing this week for Hubbard and co-defendant Karen Anne Christiansen. Hubbard now is superintendent for Newport-Mesa Unified School District, where board members continue to back him.
Former Beverly Hills Unified trustee Myra Demeter testified Wednesday that all checks are approved in bulk by the board. But Demeter said the $20,000 stipend to Christiansen — former facilities director — should have been singled out and presented to trustees.Hubbard, 53, faces two counts of misappropriation of public funds for increasing Christiansen’s car allowance from $150 monthly to $500 and for giving her the $20,000 stipend, both allegedly without the approval of Beverly Hills trustees.
Christiansen, 52, was charged with misappropriation for taking the money, but those counts have been dropped by prosecutors. She now faces four counts of conflict of interest for recommending to the board a $334 million school construction bond that earned her firm $2.2 million. She also supported three contracts between Beverly Hills and a company that paid her $15,000. Hubbard is free on his own recognizance, while Christiansen is in custody with bail set at $2 million. Both have pleaded not guilty.
Hmmm, 4 charges dropped and bail reduced by 90 percent??
getting closer to showing how the DA is wrong this time. This is NOT another Bell...
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