By Randy Economy
December 4, 2010
9:22 p.m.
Panama Beach City, FL
Clay Duke was a troubled man, to say the least. A Panama City school board in Florida is lucky to be alive after one of the most horrific school board meetings ever witnessed in American history took place on Tuesday.
These are three very graphic and very revealing videos. VIEWER BEWARE! Seen is the Bay District Schools Board of Education literally ducking and pleading for their lives as they were being shot at by Duke.
Clay was having tons of personal problems in his life. The 56-year-old resident is dead after he tried to shoot several members of the school board at "point blank" range after a rambling six minute "diatribe." He spray painted a red "V" with a circle around it on the wall, brandished a small-caliber handgun and ordered the room cleared at a Panama City schools building.
Moments later, Ginger Littleton, a board member, returned to the room and swung a purse at him. She ended up on the ground after the two struggled. The gunman cursed her, but did not open fire and he let her leave the room.
Watch these three videos from You Tube, and CNN. How would you react if this happened to you if you were on this local school board? Just plain horrific. Makes you wonder what is going on in our society all across America.
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What a nut, and what a real "bad" shot.
I live in Germany, and my friend sent me your blog. I would have shit my pants if i was on that skool bord.
This man was a real sick son of a gun. Opps. No pun intended. Here in the UK. We are watching this over in London.
Do you think this guy had "emotional" problems?
This is not the problem, this is the symptom of an America lost. We feel beat down, pushed around, and bullied by the wealthy in our country. We have this false sense of monetary happiness created by our network television. As a nation our "Leaders" are taking us down a road we go not want to travel. We are losing our Rights more and more each year, and it feels as though we no longer are a free people, but rather the slaves of the wealthy overlords. All our Jobs are being sent to foreign nations and our Major Manufacturing Cities are becoming Ghost towns, just look at Detroit, Michigan. America is sick and we need to find a cure soon or we may go the way of the Egyptian and The Roman empires.
MAYBE this man found out what these school board members are making a year!!! I have heard that some school board members make upwards of over 300,000 a year!!! Thats enough to piss anyone off, in Dallas there are TEN school board members...WHY should there be so many and why isn't that position a voluntary one!?! We as the parents and grandparents should ask for that reform!!!
I live two blocks from where this took place. Our community has never seen anything like this before. Mr. Duke was a known "wacko." Thank God he missed, or this would have been beyond tragic.
Schools in America are in crisis.
Thanks for these three videos. Hard to watch, but EVERYONE in AMERICA needs to SEE this...
I live in Lahore,Punjab,Pakistan. We have heard about this in my country. Does this happen at many government meetings in America? This would never happen in Pakistan.
To the reader in Pakistan.
This doesn't happen all the time in America. Period. Don't "go" there, pal.
My local talk radio station just mentioned your blog here in South Carolina and I had to see these THREE videos. Amazing.
I reside in Qiryat Gat, Hadarom, Israel. Say this on the internet. All I can say is...America has gone mad.
I live in Los Angeles. I went to a meeting of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors last week, and had to go through a security checkpoint to get into see "my county" government spend HUNDREDS of BILLIONS OF MY tax dollars to "protect" and "serve" ME and MY COMMUNITY! What an outrage. You have to literally get a "pat down" from America to do ANYTHING anymore. This is NOT the "CHANGE" I voted for when I stood in line to vote for OBAMA over McCain. America is OUT of CONTROL, and how many MORE NUTS like this CLAY DUKE are running around....?
Randy... I am a reporter who covers politics and bloggers here in Washington, DC.
I saw your post here at the National Press Club.
How can I get a hold of you via telephone, or personal e-mail.
Fox News
Send me your number, and name to my Email at RREconomy@aol.com. I will call you. Thanks! :)
Thats what happens when you can buy a gun on a streetcorner for a few dollars.
Here in Holland ( & Europe) guns are hard to get and expensive .
I live in a big town and we only have a few gun crimes a year and than its a big news event.
What a nut bag.
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