Saturday, December 25, 2010

BAH HUMBUG! Monrovia Christmas Carolers get the boot from stunned residents. Oh, wait. What do you mean you can't sing in Monrovia at 3:30 a.m. on Christmas Eve morning?

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (1992 TV series)Image via Wikipedia
Next Stop? The Tonight Show with Jay Leno?

By Randy Economy
December, 25, 2010
12:04 a.m.

Monrovia, California

First of all, Merry Christmas.

I hope everyone is in the "true Spirit" of Christmas.  You know. The Birth of Jesus. Love. Joy.  Hope. Family. Friends. Singing. Fa La LAing. Gifts. Re-Gifts.  You know, all the really amazing things you "live" for as a child. This is the Super Bowl of Holidays.  Got it?

One of my favorite things about Christmas is Caroling door to door, and sharing merriment with my neighbors here on the East Side of Cerritos.  We are merry folk over here in our Tony enclave of Cerritos.  Yes Cer-Ritos!

But, a group of overly happy Christmas Carolers have gotten into hot water up in the Foothill snooty city of Monrovia. Yep, meet the "Extreme Carolers" from Monrovia. Full of love, and joy, and oh, by the way, they only sing at your doorstep between the hours of 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. the morning of Christmas Eve.

These are my new heroes.  Singers who I am sure, will be appearing on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Conan, David Letterman (via satellite) and the Ellen Show over on NBC within the next few days!

So, meet the "good carolers that have gone really bad.."

They have a twitter account at

This group is directed and edited by: Mike Diva, and this video is shot by Christopher Julian and Robert Miller. Starring: Mike Diva, Sergio "Sexy sax man" Flores, Zabastian Amadeuz, William Gannon, Demetrius Curtis, Rodney Timberwilke and THE Freddie Mercury.  Yep, Freddie is back from the dead and thriving in "Rovia.

Wonder when we can get this group over in Bell for a late night tune-a-rama for the Disgraced "Bell 8," say around New Years Pre-Eve at about 4:20 a.m.?

Anyway. Love this group. Merry Christmas.

BTW.  Wonder what the guy getting totally pissed off at the beginning of this clip must be thinking today?  One thing is for sure, it is now a YOU TUBE CLASSIC with more than 110,000 hits in less than one day!

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Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm more inclined to think how rude you are than to think ill of Monrovia or the homeowner you accosted. You were intentionally trying to be rude and - surprise - you succeeded. Duh.

Council Member said...

I am on the Monrovia City Council. Trust me. Not funny.