By Randy Economy
October 3, 2010
7:50 p.m. PST
Hotlanta, Ga.
I have never been a fan of Rick Sanchez, the now "former" host of the CNN show that beared his name up until last Friday.This guy destroyed his career in less than 8 minutes on an unknown show called the "Stand Up with Pete Dominick."
No one have ever heard of Pete Dominick till this weekend. Now everyone knows his name, and Rick Sanchez has been fired for calling comic/news guy Jon Stewart a "bigot" and the people who run CNN are all Jewish. WTH?
So, congratulations to Rick Sanchez, my "Political Pirate of the Week," he is now on "Americas Shit List!"
1 comment:
All the major media believe every word of the 9/11 story.
Both major parties believe every word of the 9/11 story.
twin towers, building 7, pentagon, shanksville, anthrax
Who controls the media and government censorship?
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