Monday, October 18, 2010

Celebrating World Menopause Day: Yep. Today is going to be "one" of those days...

By Randy Economy
October 18, 2010
8:11 a.m.

America, USA

Today the world is celebrating "World Menopause Day."


Yep.  Today is just "one of those days."  Why did I wake up today? Wished I would have just stayed in bed.  No lie.  According to the folks who keep track of things like is how you can "celebrate" this day of days.

"Join in the international call to make menopausal health a principal research issue. In addition to the unpleasant side effects often associated with menopause, this life-changing event also triggers the onset of higher rates of osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer and other diseases."

Well said.  
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