Due to the massive interest in this ONE posting...
I would like to remind everyone that Comments should keep on point, and not attacking each other personally.
This bill will be heard on the Senate Floor this afternoon after 2 p.m. I will keep you updated on the results of that important vote.
Randy Economy
By Randy Economy
August 23, 2010
8:31 p.m.
Sacramento, CA
Leaders from California's Deaf Community are fighting mad and fighting back against one of their biggest and most outspoken critics... State Assemblyman Tony Mendoza, D-56th. Mendoza is my Assemblyman. He is a former Mayor of Artesia.
Tonight, those opposing the passage of AB 2072 have taken to You Tube by posting a photo of Mendoza dressed in gang attire, standing before a California State Assembly Seal, with a California and United States Flag behind him.
They are demanding that Mendoza be "impeached" from office. The video screams in silence...and makes a dramatic point.
The video does not have any sound. It doesn't need to. We all get the message, loud and clear.
The You Tube Video is entitled "California State Assemblyman Tony Mendoza BUSTED." The clip was posted by someone called "LagunaZurfer" late Monday afternoon
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Shocking Photo of California State Assemblyman dressed in gang attire. Photo was taken by a former Mendoza Assembly Staff Member and has been sent to many media outlets over the past several months. |
What the heck is Mendoza doing parading around his Assembly Office dressed like a gangster?
This photo was taken by one of his former staff members, and has been circulating around for months. This is one of the first times this photo has been seen by the general public. BTW. Mendoza is the current Vice Chairman of the California State Assembly Latino Caucus. Is this the new "dress code" for the Latino Caucus or is this just "par for the course" now a days....
Mendoza is running for reelection in the 56th Assembly District versus Republican Henry Bestwick. Mendoza is already looking past this current campaign....and has already begun raising tens of thousands of dollars for a 2012 State Senate campaign.
Mendoza has caught the ire of many over the past several months over his sponsorship of AB 2072. The proposed law is simple. If enacted if would eliminate the recognition of American Sign Language as a real "language" for children and adults throughout California.
Opponents to the law call Mendoza and his bill an "all out attack" on deaf people and if becomes law it could bring back the dark days of "Eugenics." Here is a quick lesson, class.....
According to WIKIPEDIA, Eugenics is the study and practice of selective breeding applied to humans, with the aim of improving the species. In a historical and broader sense, eugenics can also be a study of "improving human genetic qualities." Eugenics was widely popular in the early decades of the 20th century, but has fallen into disrepute after having become associated with Nazi Germany. Since the postwar period, both the public and the scientific communities have associated eugenics with Nazi abuses, such as enforced racial hygiene, human experimentation, and the extermination of "undesired" population groups. However, developments in genetic, genomic, and reproductive technologies at the end of the 20th century have raised many new questions and concerns about the meaning of eugenics and its ethical and moral status in the modern era.
So, as you can tell, this fight against Mendoza and his proposed law is getting heated....just like the heat wave we have here in our Hood....
The conversation continues...
Tell me what you think.....
Here is another You Tube Video dedicated against Mr. Mendoza's AB 2072.
Complete disgrace.
Makes me sick. Incredible. What an SOB.
Stunned. What is this guy thinking? He is our ASSEMBLYMAN who writes our laws. NO EXCUSES. PERIOD. What an outrage.
Just wait, Mendoza will make up some lame excuse like "I was doing this to make a point for the children." Sorry Tony. No excuses. Time to quit. What an idiot. I will never vote for him ever again.
What a nut. Is he in ARTA for Retards?
LagunaZurfer is James Kittell. Watch his famous video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YN5Fdz1En0
He looks like he was riding a Harley Davidson, that is an "American" thing to do. If he had white skin people would probably think he had just gotten off a motorcycle. One would not call every motorcycle rider a ganster would they? What ever, I agree he needs to wake up about the whole ASL thing. Hey Tony are you reading this? Wake up dude! Stop taking pictures out of context where you make it easy for people to ridicule you and other people of color AND WAKE UP AND FIGHT FOR ASL! SUPPORT THIS BEAUTIFUL LANGUAGE!
This post blaming on Steve Kittel must be created by Richard Roehm, CEO of OCDAC.
Tony Mendoza is simply doing parents a favor by ensuring that parents who are told their child is deaf are getting information on ALL communication and language opportunities. Currently the system in CA does not do that. There is no eugenics involved in this bill. This bill will not take away deaf culture nor will it take away ASL. CA DNIA has been spreading lies, myths and misconceptions. As a culturally deaf individual, I find this video disgusting because it paints a wrong picture of Mendoza. The majority of deaf and hard of hearing Americans believes in the right of parents to choose for their child. For parents to be able to get unbiased information is the way to go.
This bill will allow equal representation of all modalities to create an unbiased pamphlet. A panel will be created to include ASL representation equally as it would for those that prefer oral-auditory approach.
I hope this bill passes.
The opposition want all deaf and hard of hearing babies to learn ASL and not be allowed other options at the start. This is not for them to decide. They do not own deaf babies!
There is NO way it is photoshopped. This photo was taken by a terminated staff, and Tony Mendoza did not DENY.
Quit stirring, Candy.
A didn't comment about the picture. I was making points about the bill Mendoza wrote. Since you're more interested in the photo..ok, here's my thought:
There's nothing wrong with the way he dresses, how about respecting hispanic culture in how they typically dress? Anyone can dress that way and it don't mean they're in a gang.
Ha! James and Manon are free to see anyone else they wish. Stop reframing here. Tony Mendoza must get out of CA State Legislation! He doesn't not demonstrate himself as one proud Mexican-American. He is making his people to look bad. Not all people are cholos or gang bandagers. Shame on you Mendoza and his family!
By the way, this bill gives the opportunity for the deaf community to have their input in creating this new pamphlet that will include everything you think the parent should be aware of, such as ASL/Bi-Bi, the benefits of ASL, including researcher's results, etc. I'm all for ASL, but I'm also all for putting all the options on the table and let the parent be aware of it. As a parent, ain't nobody making decision for my child. I'm sure ya'll feel the same.
Please remove all comments by Candy. She's impersonating girls' name Candy.
It's one thing to attack Mendoza, but another to personally attack another commenter here.
The ugly side of the deaf community is pretty evident here.
That's because we are sick of lies and hearing-miracle myths.
We are protecting deaf babies, and Mendoza is forcing them to be hearing.
Instead of calling this clown "Tony the Tiger" we are going to start calling him "Tony the Tagger."
You go Tony....
"Planet of Apes" ? WTF! Its you hearing people who made them like that way. You set them to fail at Oral Schools. The results? 90% deaf and hard of hearing children fail to acquire HS diplomas. Its your fault! Those deaf people walked thru lives with oppression and false hopes. Enough is enough!
Its time those children receive full access to communication at all education settings, help them to contribute to society by including ASL and BiLingual approach everywhere!
AB2072 bill is flawed, biased and I ll use it as toliet paper.
Look at bigger picture!
Oh my g-d... am so angry and he doesn't know anything about deafies and their cultures, etc... am so angry. Hope they (senators, whomever) wakes up find out what kind of that jerk guy is. Hope they failed to pass that AB 2072 I hope they fail!
You're right. Almost ALL deaf people have social benefits. You don't realize that? How many of us went to oral education for hearing people's sake? All they want us is to follow their way, not ours. We are screwed up in education.
Use the search keywords: "deaf people grade level reading"
Results on Google? 475,000
Who made deaf people end up 3rd - 4th grade level reading?
Professionals. Hearing people or deaf people?
People out there think cochlear implants are the answer.
Silly them.
After 18-year of experimentation and education struggle, deaf people get less than $1,400 per month, which is way below the poverty line. They are not allowed to buy a house or a car.
Sadly, militants (Army, Air Force, Navy, etc.), who become deaf in training or during wars, get $3,200 a month and are allowed to buy a house and cars.
Recruiter says, "Oh, they are well-respected for serving the country."
What are we? Disability trashes?
Every deaf individual (whether they work or not) deserves $3,200/month for life. We the deaf people do not deserve to be tossed into the poverty after years of experimentation and struggle by professionals.
Mendoza the Deaf Eugenist...
Mengele the Deaf Eugenist...
Mendoxic the Deaf Eugenist...
Mofo the Deaf Eugenist...
Mendoza the Deaf Eugenist...
Walking in the shadow of Mengele.
Tony Mendoza represents Artesia, Buena Park, Cerritos, Hawaiian Gardens, Los Nietos, Norwalk, Santa Fe Springs, South Whittier/unincorporated Whittier, portions of East Whittier and Lakewood.
Over 80% of the residents are gang memders or have been such at some point of their lives.
He represents them and if he dresses up as a gang banger in Sacramento like in the picture, he's only being true to his constituents.
It's comical to see the deaf community make a hoot out of a hard fact of the assemblyman and the constituents he represents.
Candy aka Gina Sutton: Stop lying through your yellow teeth. Everyone knew the truth except for you, retard.
I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well.Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.
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