By Randy Economy
August 22, 2010
4:28 p.m.
South Bay of Lost Angeles, CA
OMG. I am wetting my pants today after I saw this video from Mattie Fein, who is running for Congress against Rep. "Lady" Jane Harman.
I have done tons of political spot advertising in the past, but this one is going into the "Pirate Hall of Fame" for BEST SPOT EVER!
I am one of the FIRST Bloggers to be given access to this video, and I want to thank my dear pal (political consultant) John Thomas for all this amazing "wonderment." I was invited to watch being shot in Hollywood just a couple of weeks ago, and I am now sorry that I wasn't able to be there.
America needs change in Washington. We all need to pay attention this election. No incumbent Member of Congress is safe this year. Watch this new clip. Send my link to all your Peeps. And LOL over and over again.
Here is nore about the clip from Mattie's campaign:
"Mattie Fein is determined to remove the corrupt Jane Harman from office, a woman who casts votes in Congress not for the greater good, but to enrich herself and her company, Harman Industries."
More at www.MattieFein.com
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