Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Laughable Libertarians Pick Two Ex-Republican Governors, Gary Johnson and William Weld, as their 'Dream Ticket' for 2016. Seriously?

Hey, awesome video from "We Are Change" via You Tube on Sunday night. In this video Luke Rudkowski goes to the 2016 Libertarian national convention in Orlando Florida and documents what he see's. Many libertarians are feeling disenfranchised from the convention since two former republican governors with ties to the Koch brothers won the nomination after a contested convention. We go over all the details of what transpired and the behind the scenes political moves for the 2016 presidential election.
English: Gary E. Johnson
English: Gary E. Johnson (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Libertarian Party Logo
Libertarian Party Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

....shaking my head...

You can't make this stuff up.

Two former Republican Governors are now the official Presidential and Vice Presidential Ticket for the Libertarian Party in Campaign 2016.

Ex- New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson is ONCE again the Libertarian Party choice for President in this years election and his running mate is former Liberal Republican Governor William Weld from the People's Republic of  
Massachusetts .

Libertarians picked Johnson four years ago, and he ended up with less that 1% of the overall vote.  

.99% to be exact or a total of 1,275,971 votes.  

News Flash.  

When push comes to shove, voters in November, will not be pulling a lever for Johnson and his running mate, former Mass. Governor William Weld.  Not going to happen.  Voters "get it" this year, and this campaign hasn't even began to unfold between Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump and whoever else is going to jump into the fray as "Independent Candidates."

So....Just moments after Johnson won the Libertarian Party nomination (watch the YOU TUBE VIDEO ABOVE) at a "convention" in Orlando...the below press release was sent to members of the media touting that the two ex-governors...

According to the press statement, Johnson and Weld already have "10% of the vote in four different polls."

Seriously?  LMAO.   Yes. Laugh my ASS OFF. Here is the "official statement" from the Libertarian Party:

"Today Libertarian Party delegates elected Gov. Gary Johnson, two-term governor of New Mexico, to be the party’s nominee for President of the United States, with a mission of moving America in the direction of more personal freedom, fiscal responsibility, and less military intervention.
“We already have over 411,000 registered Libertarian voters,” said Nicholas Sarwark, Libertarian Party Chair. “And now we’ve nominated Gov. Gary Johnson as our presidential candidate for 2016. Together, he and the other Libertarian candidates will propel the rapid growth of the LP all across America and give disenfranchised voters a real choice for less government and more freedom.”
Gov. Johnson is a successful businessman and a crusader for fiscal responsibility, free enterprise and individual liberties. As governor, he vetoed over 750 bills, perhaps more vetoes than all other 49 governors combined. He cut taxes 14 times while maintaining New Mexico as one of only four states in the country with a balanced budget. He was the first U.S. governor to call for ending marijuana prohibition.
The Libertarian Party is the only alternative political party in the United States expected to be on the ballot in all fifty states this November.
After winning on the second ballot, Johnson implored delegates in his acceptance speech to elect former Massachusetts governor William Weld to be his running mate."
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