Friday, December 11, 2009

Remembering Remington Dunham: An Emotional Tribute from his Mother Janet Dunham

Tonight I wanted to share this touching letter from Janet Dunham, the mother of the late Remington Dunham who lost his life here in Cerritos in a drive-by shooting, right before Thanksgiving.

Remington was just 18 years old and a former student here at the Southwest Academy and Artesia High School.

Bless you Mrs. Dunham, and tonight I will continue to pray for your son, Remington, and to hope that those responsible for his death are caught and brought to Justice!

Dear Randy:

Remington is my sweet son and I am missing him so much. I know my son is in a better place because he had a personal relationship with the Lord.

He was a fun loving person, very responsible, and respectful. We saw him making that transition to manhood. He was scheduled to leave on January 12th for basic training in San Antonio TX for the Air Force.

He is now in God's air force in eternity.

I know I will see my son again in eternity and that comforts my very broken heart.

Even though my sons life ended at the tender age of 18, he truly lived a full life. He was blessed to travel to and live in Africa for six months. He made friends easily. He helped other people feel better by encouraging them and telling funny jokes.

The people that killed my son did not know him, he was not a gang banger. If they knew him they may have befriended him instead of killing him. It is my prayer that God reveals.

I forgive those who killed my son and I am praying for them now. Everyone be encouraged because Remington's purpose on earth had been completed and now he is with his eternal father God.

Janet Dunham
Mother of Remington Dunham

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