Thursday, December 05, 2019

Assemblyman Chad Mayes Dumps the California Republican Party for "NO PARTY." Leave GOP without a candidate in the 42nd AD

Did you hear the news.

Corrupt California State Assemblyman Chad Mayes has literally told the Republican Party to piss up a rope and tonight he has bolted from the party to join the growing list of voters who do not belong any political party here in California.

Mayes in my Assemblyman.

He is a traitor and cannot be trusted.
He "a pompous self serving politician who has burned every bridge possible in Sacramento ever since he arrived in the lower house for his own self interest.  He betrayed his wife by having an extra-martial affair with another GOP Assemblywoman Kristin Olsen.  How did that work out? ....and worked with Governor Jerry Brown to raise our gas taxes and on and on and on.

Here is what the California Republican Party sent to it's members around an hour ago....


"Assemblymember Chad Mayes (AD-42) has left the Republican Party to run as a No Party Preference candidate. Rather than standing and fighting, Chad Mayes has chosen to retreat. This is after he begged the California Republican Party for our endorsement. We guess he's tired of winning. 

The California Republican Board of Directors unanimously rescinded their endorsement of Mays (sic).   Chad Mayes has let the Republican Party down just as he has let down the voters of California."

Someone inside the California Republican Party should have seen this coming.  I don't need to get into every detail on the past voting record of Mayes...however....someone needs to run against this CLOWN and they have exactly 30 hours to file against him....

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