Saturday, May 04, 2019

Milo Yiannopoulos to launch his own show after being banned from Facebook

Milo Yiannopoulos with Susan Walsh, an EX-DEM from California who is helping drain the swamp in California  during the Battle of Berkeley in 2016.
Milo Yiannopoulos is steaming mad after he was banned from Facebook this past week in a scathing email sent to his supporters on Saturday.  But wait, Milo also announced that he will be launching his OWN weekly show to make sure that his message is being heard, without censorship.  I think this is a brilliant move in so many ways.  First of all, Milo has a dedicated fan base...sometimes a tad tooooo dedicated.

Even though Milo is light on details about his new venture, he did reveal some of the aspects of his new gig. 

Also, in typical Milo fashion, he didn't miss a beat in his message to his fan base to send him donations to help him in his current financial situation.

Here is his email.  Uncensored.  Raw.  Not Edited.   Go gettem, Milo.  You got this.

Dangerous Logo

"Yesterday, I got banned from Facebook... for being a "dangerous individual." Facebook won't tell us much but they suggest it's for my support of culture ware heroes like Gavin McInnes and Tommy Robinson. But here's the thing: no matter how much they try to make me shut up and go away, no matter how much they try to bury the truth, they're not going to win.

In coming months, I'm launching a new weekly show that'll help me keep amplifying the truth, driving the liberals batshit insane, and make sure our ideas are actually heard. We're structuring it in such a way as to totally evade the censors. It's going to take all the best things about late night chat shows and mash them up with my comedic skills and gifts as an interviewer.

 It's the platform they will never be able to take away from me -- the one I've always dreamed of building But I'll be blunt: launching a high quality show like this isn't cheap. The only way I can do this is with your immediate help. What do you say, can I count you in for $17 or $33 right now, to help me launch? Give as little as $50 and I'll send you an autographed copy of my new book, "How To Be Poor," as a gift. Chip in right now.

The radicalized, oppressive, batshit insane far-left loves to curbstomp everyone they disagree with... because they know that, unlike them, we have the truth on our side. They act as they do because they are terrified. They are terrified of what we might say and of the people we convince with our books, speeches, and activism.

 The truth is what they really consider "dangerous." The left lives in fear of one thing: that, at some point, the American people are going to wake up and realize that far-left policies are actually a huge load of bullshit. Rewarding people for how big of a victim they claim to be? Crazy. Angry, man-hating feminism? Crazy. Socialism? Crazy.

 The left is banking on keeping the American people in the dark... and that's what makes me and you both so "dangerous." Look: we can't force Facebook and their allies on the far-left to give the truth a platform. But what we can do? Reach people anyway. Make sure people hear the truth. And do what we do best: beat the left at their own game, and drive them absolutely insane. Can I count on your help? Pitch in just $17 or even $33 to help me launch my new weekly show... and if you give $50, I'll even send you an autographed copy of my new book, "How To Be Poor," as a gift. Thanks for your help!


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