Monday, January 01, 2018

New Idiotic Laws Hit America and California in 2018.

I am a huge believer in less government.  Less idiotic laws, less idiotic law makers. 

With that being said, today is January 1, 2018 and yes there are lots of new laws that are now on the books all over the USA.

Here are some that caught my eye.

Lets start with the minimum wage. 

In Missouri the hourly pay rate for minimum wage workers in going up from $7.70 per hour to a staggering $7.85 per hour.  WTH?  Seriously?  A lawmaker actually "worked his fingers to the bone" in order to accomplish this HUGE pay increase for the people who need it most.   What does .15 cents an hour actually get you these days?  This law is a "head shaker" for me.

Obama Day
Happy Obama Day!  Yes, this is now a thing in Illinois.  This year, and every August 4th from this day forward, the 44th President's birthday Barack Obama will be celebrated officially in Illinois to honor the Chicagoan's  election and two terms in the White House.  This will drive the "birther" movement nuts.  File this under "Who cares."

Did you know that some businesses don't want you leaving negative feedback on apps like Yelp.  Now customers in Illinois have the right to post reviews whether positive or negative.  Seriously.  This is now a law.  File this as "Seriously, what the Yelp?"

In California you can now go into a local retail store and buy pot.  I really don't like this law. Medical pot is good, but as a former addict I understand what this issue is really all about, and I fear that local elected officials up and down the Golden State are going to be political pawns in a new game of drugs that is already out of control.  Beware of elected officials who take campaign funds from pot providers to fuel their 2018 campaigns.

High school exit exam: California High School students can celebrate in 2018, Yep. No more stinking exit exams as a condition to graduate.  The dumbing down of California kids continue. 

Bars and ride-sharing: So now you can go out and get totally hammered, drunk off your ass, and now thanks to a new law that goes into effect will allow alcohol companies and businesses to team up with ride shares, like Uber and Lyft, as well as taxi services, to give out vouchers or promo codes for discounted rides.  Party on!

California Car window tinting: Under the previous law, drivers were prohibited from having tint or any other material or display that “reduces the driver’s clear view through the windshield or side windows." Now  drivers with a "medical condition" certified by a dermatologist to tint their windshields, side and rear windows to protect them from ultraviolet rays.

Crossing the street: First of all, crossing the street in California is like taking your life into your own hands day in and day out.  Now, pedestrians who cross the street while the red hand signal is flashing will no longer be penalized for doing so. If the flashing red hand symbol appears and there is a countdown to indicate how much time pedestrians have left to cross, walkers are legally permitted to do so.  Run like hell..

Here are some really dumb laws that have been on the books for a long time here in California.  

California prison workers will no longer be allowed to have sex with inmates

Film producers must have permission from a pediatrician before filming a child under the age of one month

It’s unlawful to let a dog pursue a bear or bobcat at any time.

In San Jose and Sunnyvale it is illegal for grocery stores to provide plastic bags.

You may only throw a Frisbee at the beach in Los Angeles County, CA with the lifeguard’s permission.

Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses.

It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.

Women may not drive in a house coat.

No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour.

Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.

Time to end Dumb Laws in America.

Randy Economy is an American Investigative Journalist and Political Adviser who has exposed some of the biggest public corruption scandals in California history. To book Randy Economy for you talk radio or talk news program email directly to Follow on Twitter @EconomyRadio

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