I have looked up to JOURNALIST DAVID CRUZ for a long long time, so just being part of his "world" for an afternoon was beyond amazing for me to put into words.
Also thanks to Vanessa Herron for all of her "wonderment" at the David Cruz Show! Hard to keep track of all this...but...this is BEST interview Brian and I have done "together" during the past six months in chasing "our" story on the corrupting inside the Los Angeles County Hall of Administration. Whadduthink?

Listen to the PODCAST of Los Cerritos Community Newspaper Publisher Brian Hews, and Investigative Reporter Randy Economy on the David Cruz Show that aired on Tuesday, June 27, 2012. Segment starts at 56:00 into the radio cast.
Here is the podcast of the show.
Our segment begins at the 54:00 minute part in the clip, but PLEASE listen to the entire show!
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