4:21 p.m.
Mark Halperin has issued an official "i am sorry" for my words statement on air. BTW. I am STILL INTERESTED in taking over his gig, just sayin....
By Randy Economy
June 30, 2011
3:39 p.m. PST
New York, NY
Mark Halperin, political commentator for MSNBC's Morning Joe Show has won my "Political Pirate of the Week Award" for calling President Barack Obama, are you ready, a "DI*K" on the air this morning. WTH? Is this guy nuts, or is their some truth to the statement? No word from the White House on the "d-word" flap. My coveted "Political Pirate" Award to Mr. Halperin will be sent to him COD. Get ready, pal! BTW, old' Mark is having an "Adult Time Out." Yep. Them new bosses at NBC don't like it when you call the Commander in Chief a "dick." Paging Keith Olberman, and that dude Rick Sanchez who use to be on CNN. Nice going, idiot. Hey, since it looks like Halperin's career is over at NBC, I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to TAKE over HIS GIG? Hit my comment section below if you are a "news reporter" and SOUND OFF!
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1 comment:
The Morning Joe Show did this for ratings. Come on. If they get rid of Halperin, they need to dump the ENTIRE CAST of these so called "news program."
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