By Randy Economy
May 31, 2011

9:42 p.m.
Hollywood, CA
Breaking News. Juggler Frank Miles has gone TALENT and well...nerves of steel. I have just watched the opening episode of "America's Got Talent" and I am predicting that FRANK MILES is going to be HUGE this year.

Yep. He is nuts. Like out of his mind wacko, but I gotta meet this guy. Frank Miles BLEW the roof off of the LOS ANGELES AUDITIONS for the 2011 season of AGT. His gig is juggling 1.5 million volts that are embedded into three stun guns, and even does it in water.
He is no Susan Boyle. As a matter of fact, if Ms. Boyle would have sung "I Dreamed a Dream" with Frank Miles juggling in the background a couple of seasons ago, dude, that would be sizzling!
Anyway. The quality of this clip via You Tube is kinda crappy. But, WTH. Frank is my newest "American Idol." Oppps. Wrong show. Go gettem, Tiger.

1 comment:
I'm a big fan of Frank Miles, too (obviously) I just started a fan site - check it out frankmilesfans.blogspot.com I'm on twitter @frankmilesfans. There are several better quality videos out there. You may want to link to the same one I do. I love your write up on Frank!
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