By Randy Economy
Friday, March 11, 2011
1:30 a.m. PST
The Phillipines
I have been chatting via Facebook to my friend Mark Hylland who lives in Norwalk and is currently working in The Philippines. He is in the in the center of one of the islands and in the Philippines. I wanted to share this on line chat with Mark. He can't get ANY COMMUNICATION OUT so wanted me to post this.
Friday, March 11, 2011
1:30 a.m. PST
The Phillipines
I have been chatting via Facebook to my friend Mark Hylland who lives in Norwalk and is currently working in The Philippines. He is in the in the center of one of the islands and in the Philippines. I wanted to share this on line chat with Mark. He can't get ANY COMMUNICATION OUT so wanted me to post this.

Report · 1:05am
ok very very strange.....
first the skies just seemed to change colors from a very sunny afternoon to dark storm clouds and strange rain
then BOOM
one powerful BOOM like the building had exploded
lasted about 5 seconds and over
everyone was like what the hell
u know lots of terrorist in philippines....
so we had expected a bomb of some sort
southern philippines.......
anyhow we turn on the news and find out japan was struck
and now alarms going off warning of tsunami
even though we will not get hit....SHOULD NOT.....
take a look at the philippine map....i am on the island of Bohol......naturally protected from typhoons and tsunami......

Report · 1:08am
nerves very unstable here
cuz bohol is tourist destination.....and home to coffee farms....

Report · 1:09am
so many people cannot travel all ships ordered to return to closes port asap
if i had to reach higher ground SURE......the interiors...but we are not going to have issues here
the sirens were mainly for t\he fishermen and ships....

Report · 1:10am
it would have to takeout the entire southeastern philippines to reach us
sure....but not til morning....they all asleep now
mom 562-22
and brother mike 562-8

Report · 1:13am
i am sure my mom going crazy if she knows the news...
okies.....Mike Hylland
another one would be James Velasco, son to Gus Velasco 8 1 or even Gus himself 868 but not til morning

Report · 1:16am
hey in the am....i really appreciate a call to my mom......she worries all the time.........and well you know moms
ok ......appreciate it
james is very close to my bro and mom

we should coordinate a relief effort....there is no doubt the Eastern Phils will get hit.....
i found this trying to find out damage in the phillipines, my mom and daughter are in bohol and this gave me some relief that it is fine there... i can not get a hold of them... thank you for posting...
during the tsunami in japan..bohol is flood either..its just cloudy sky...
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