By Randy Economy
Monday, March 28, 2011
11:11 p.m.
Definition of Suicide by police on the Web:
Suicide by cop is a suicide method in which a suicidal individual deliberately acts in a threatening way, with the goal of provoking a lethal response from a law enforcement officer, such as being shot to death.
Montebello, CA
Jorge Jimenez, 31, is the name of the man who died after being shot in what is being described by law enforcement as "suicide by police" in Montebello earlier this afternoon.
His family is heartbroken tonight, and many of them watched helplessly as their son was shot by law enforcement officials, and the shooting was captured by several witnesses on their iPhone, and was also covered by every news outlet in Southern California today and well into this evening.
Like I normally do after these type of "high" profile cases, I wanted to post a the most "factual" reports from some of the best television journalists here in Los Angeles.
Above is a report from Patrick Healy (on scene reporter) and his producer Scott Weber...of NBC LA.

Robert Kovacik, NBC LA Reporter |

As soon as NBC LA post Robert and Toni's report I will upload it here.
Share your thoughts.
How would you have reacted if you were in the shoes of the officers?
Jorge was a great man ad father. I have known this man since high school and it was not death by a cop.... if is wasn't for his baby mama calling the cops this wouldn't of happened....
Jorge was a great man ad father. I have known this man since high school and it was not death by a cop.... if is wasn't for his baby mama calling the cops this wouldn't of happened....
So if he is drunk and takes your baby for acting a fool you going to just let it happen? Baby mama did what a GOOD mama is suppose to do!!! Take care of her young!!!! Ask yourself, Why did he have a gun in the first place? I have never driven around with a gun. Sad to say but another THUG wanna be off the street....
If u feel that strongly about it state ur name ur the coward that was somebody's bro,son,n father u dont know what was going on in his life if it was ur loved one u would want some respect for ur deceased loved one so keep ur negative comments to urself juan bernal from montebello if u want to know who r u coward
Regardless who is at fault my thoughts and prayers go out to the family no mother or father should burry their children especially for the mother to watch it all happen is horrible them images will never leave her memory.....God bless all involved
Jorge took his OWN three year old child on a "death ride."
Before anyone starts pointing fingers at ANY police officer, the ONLY one responsible for this is Jorge Jimenez.
I just PRAY for his daughter and his family who has to dealing with this for the rest of their lives here on this earth.
Mr. Economy:
I had read your blog for the past several months. I appreciate you take on these type of important events that can happen to ANY one of us and ANY TIME.
My question is the following:
Why did this family immediately go on television, and why are they spending so much time today doing more interviews?
They should be hiring an attorney if they have "issues" with how their family member died.
Also, we live in a community and society where 99% of US carry a cell phone that has a camera. Not like the old days when WE have to RELY on the cops to tell us what happened at a "crime scene" on our streets.
The whole world saw Mr. Jimenez get shot. The only one responsible for this is Mr. Jimenez and his selfish act. Thank GOD his baby is still alive.
What a mess. I live around the corner from where this happened and our entire neighborhood is now going to be remembered for THIS ONE act FROM ONE person.
I counted at least 50 reporters and news trucks, radio news stations, photographers and at least 100 cops in our neighborhood TODAY. Turning more into a "circus" than a tragic death.
Why do I have this weird feeling that we are about to see Attorney Gloria Allred on the horizon?
Not everyone is perfect ok? That was wrong of him to take his daughter, but you know what? Spare the daughters fathers life, shoot him in the hand that was holding the gun. At least he would still be alive to see his daughter grow up. The mom did the right thing, she called the cops i wouldve done the same. I would probably have checked on him while he was laying on the floor though. Thats my childs father i wouldve at LEAST done that! Everyone is different. So i pray for the family, and it happened so close to home, right around the corner. I have friends that live right inthe front of where it happened, they'll have that memory forever :( Montebello Police are and got TRIGGER HAPPY >:/
Hilarious, he got what he deserved !
It seems "Anonymous" is the most ignorant and callous person commenting here. Hey "Anonymous" it seems you know this guys whole story....hey he's just some brown guy from the hood, wtf do I care, he isn't white or wealthy, one less cockroach. Anonymous you truly are sad.
for someone to have their comments is natural, for someone to talk trash on something they know nothing on is straight out stupid!
people talk crap about what Jorge could of or should of done,but what nobody knows is how he was feeling and WHY he was feeling the way he felt. none of you know why he was doing all of those things,unless you knew him. gun or not, montebello cops are always quick to jump the gun! thats why they are under investigation!
he was ah great friend always had ah smile on his face n would try his best to keepothers around him smiling....he had no right to die like my heart n in the hearts of his loved ones is well he will jorge jimenez......
rest in peace tio jorge
rest in peace tio jorge
News reports never get the story right. The baby was not rescued by the mother in fact you never even see the mother on any of the videos. And daniellejoshua38, you really wouldn't know what you would do unless you were in that situation. So to say you would have at least checked on him is bull. It's very possible you would have done nothing at all. Even getting the baby out of the car.
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