Monday, February 7, 2011
12:36 p.m.
Venice, CA

Local media outlets are breaking the huge political news including the LA TIMES.
I knew that as soon as the Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives last November, some of the entrenched longtime members from the left side of the isle would be throwing in the towel since it is no fun being on the "minority side of the Congressional isle."
Yep. You always want to be in the "Majority" in Congress. Much better perks. Better Committee chairmanships, better tables at fancy restaurants, better access to campaign cash. You know, all that cool "extra stuff."
I had to look up what the Woodrow Wilson International Center is all about.
It is to "commemorate the ideals and concerns of Woodrow Wilson" by providing a link between the world of ideas and the world of policy; and fostering research, study, discussion, and collaboration among a full spectrum of individuals concerned with policy and scholarship in national and world affairs.
Great. Another Washington Think Tank, there must be a thousand of these 501 Non Profits in DC.
So, look for a Special Election, probably in early Summer. Harman faced a nasty election during the 2010 election including a heated primary battle from within her own Party.
Activist Marcy Winograd the President of Progressive Democrats of Los Angelesive Democrats of America. Winograd garnered almost 38% of the vote when she challenged Harman last June. Harman went on to easily defeated upstart Republican Mattie Fein in November. Remember this classic You Tube spot from consultant John Thomas that went viral within hours, causing a national debate about the "power of politics of You Tube?"
So, get ready for the "Special Election" shuffle in the South Bay and West Side of LA in 2011 and into 2012 because of Harman's selfish resignation.
How many millions of dollars is this STUNT by HARMAN going to cost us taxpayers?
Lady Jane, you hould have done the right thing and just stayed in Congress till the 2012 election.
Ah, the arrogance of Power. Gotta love it.
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