Deputy District Attorney Alfred Coletta of the Justice System Integrity Division said Damian Ramos, 32, is expected to be arraigned this afternoon in Department 30 of the Foltz Criminal Justice Center.
Ramos is charged with four counts each of grand theft of personal property, grand theft firearm and embezzlement by a police officer. He is additionally charged in case No. BA374515 with one count of possession of an assault weapon.
The defendant allegedly took four firearms that were to be booked as property. One firearm was recovered, but three remain missing, the prosecutor said. Bail for Ramos is recommended at $260,000.
Long Beach COPS are the WORST! No wait, I take that back. Bell COPS take the prize. This cop is a clown. Needs to be fired, and sent to jail. OMG. Could you imagine his guy in jail? LOL.
No, you were correct they are some of the WORST. i can tell you stories you wont believe regarding encounters with them.
Officers like radshaw, richardson, and heady for example are ego-maniacs, impatient, and enjoy the suffering of others for their own personal machismo.
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