Tuesday, July 27, 2010


SVG version of the new Bell Canada logo as of ...Image via Wikipedia
Hi Randy,
  Have been reading a lot about this situation in Bell and I read your blog posting and update about the situation. You know I think the perpetrators are doing the minimum of what they have to do. They've talked about taking salary cuts and the mayor has said he won't take any pay for the rest of the year. But what about the money already taken? I'm sure if any criminal action is taken against them that their will be some financial impact. However, in the event that there are no criminal charges, these people are going to get of easy and will have a boatload of money that was not indicative of the amount of work they had to do. Given your interest in the topic I hope you'll take time to check out this video from Newsy.com. The story is about the outrage in Bell and it uses multiple sources to analyze and discuss all that has gone wrong with this situation.


I'm sure there will be a lot more to come from this story, but I think this video thoroughly analyzes the outrage and the missteps made by those in power. I hope you'll embed it for your readers. Whatever comes out of this situation, I'm sure the residents of Bell will be much better watchdogs and much better civic voters on matters for the city, at least in the near future. If you have any questions about the video or the subject matter just shoot me an e-mail back.

Andrew Lynch
Community at Newsy
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