Saturday, May 29, 2010

Symmon for California Governor. He is not your "average Joe politician." Today I have a new friend and California has a new rising star on the scene!

California Governor Candidate Joe Symmon, Randy Economy and AlyceJo Symmon.
Photo by Ro
By Randy Economy
May 29, 2010
Cerritos, CA

Today I made two new friends.

Joe and AlyceJo Symmon. A couple of "first" class people who would make a great new "First Couple" for the People of California.

Joe Symmon wants to be Governor of California, and after I got to know this amazing man, I say...thank goodness!

He is smart, talented, compassionate, has a strong leadership capacity, and has a unique vision on how to rescue California from total collapse.

Joe and AlyceJo stopped by my house here in Cerritos, Friday morning during a campaign swing through our neck of the woods.

We had brunch over at the Cerritos Towne Center.  This was the first time that I have met Joe.  He is a Democrat.  I am a registered "Non Partisian Voter."   If I want to vote for him, I need to request a Democratic Ballot on election day in order to do so.

Oh, sure Jerry Brown is going to be the Democratic nominee for Governor, that's a given.

But, every voter should "think" about casting your ballot for Joe Symmon instead. 

AlyceJo Symmon shows Rosemary Economy a book about the Symmon's charity works in Kenya.
Joe Symmon, Democrat for Governor was campaigning in Cerritos on Friday.
Randy Economy Photo
Why?  Because California is a total train wreck, and we need real change in Sacramento in each and every office. Period. Why do Democrats want to nominate another lifetime politician like Jerry Brown as Governor?

Joe Symmon is smart.  He IS  living the California Dream.  He was orphaned as a baby in his native Kenya, and was raised in one of the poorest slums in Africa.  He made it out of Africa what is a miracle in itself.

He came to the United States to make a better life and his journey took him to Connecticut, Iowa and Tennessee and ended up in California in 1983 in pursuit of an education.

He majored in Intercultural Studies and Theology at Life Pacific College. He performed his graduate work in Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena and was elected President of the Student Body. His leadership skills and ability to organize made him a successful president and inspired him to take further steps towards making a difference in people’s lives.

Joe is now a real  "Californian" and his charitable work has an International impact back in his native Kenya.

In 2003, Joe and AlyceJo founded the Child of Destiny Organization, a non-profit group that is  making a real difference in the lives of children.  He built an orphanage, an elementary and high school that can house approximately 1000 kids on a 25 acre lot in Kenya.

Joe is providing safe housing, sanitation, clean water resources, and has brought love, life and stability to hundreds of orphans.

Joe has also assisted men and women in Kenya by initiating the construction of a clinic for HIV/AIDS testing, mammogram check-ups, and a maternity ward for expecting mothers.

So, I am not saying that Joe Symmom has the "perfect" resume to be the Chief Executive Officer of California.  But, I do know one thing for sure, California would be proud to have this man serving them as Governor.

Look at the Democrats running for Governor in a week. Look at EVERY DEMOCRAT running on the June 8th ballot.

Then, DON'T VOTE for the STATUS QUO.  Throw the BUMS OUT of SACRAMENTO, and DON'T VOTE for the GUYS WITH THE SLICK MAIL. Enough is enough!

So, before you pull that lever for Jerry Brown, do yourself a favor, and get to know who Joe Symmon is and what he represents. 

Visit him on-line at

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