Friday, April 16, 2010

REMEBERING THE HERNANDEZ CHILDREN: Community Car and Bike Show Fundraiser set for Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Support the Hernandez Family!
By Randy Economy
April 16, 2010
4:40 p.m.

East Whittier, CA:

A community fundraiser is being planned for tomorrow Saturday April 17th to support the surviving members of the Hernandez Family of East Whittier who lost  four children this past Sunday in a tragic car accident on the 5 Freeway in the Newhall Pass.

A Car and Bike Show will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the First Family Church at 8434 Greenleaf Avenue, Whittier, CA 90602.

The event will honor the lives of Xochitl Hernandez (age 5), and brother Edgar (age 8) and sister Cynthia (age 9), and their cousin Luis Villegas, age 12.

A fund has been established to help offset burial costs and to help the surviving members of the family.

The Hernandez family children were killed in a crash took place late Sunday night when a pickup truck overturned on the rainy freeway, which was slammed into by the Nissan Altima carrying Villegas; the Hernandez children; their mother, Yessica Milan, 27 who is still in critical condition.

A Memorial service and vigil was held last night at the Laurel Elementary School campus in East Whittier last night, and more than 2,000 local community members attended.

We all need to help the Hernandez Family during this tough period.  Please drop by this event and bring a donation! 
The Hernandez Children from East Whittier: Xochilt, age 5, Cynthia, age 9, Edward, age 8
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1 comment:

Friend of Hernandez Family said...

Thanks for keeping the community updated Randy. So so sad. I will stop by and drop off some money for the family. Bless you!