By Randy Economy
April 29, 2010 10 p.m.
Law enforcement officials are hailing a late night sweep last night specifically targeted minors who were in violation of curfew laws.
The city-wide curfew sweep efforts focused mainly on neighborhoods and areas with a high volume of gang and/or criminal activity.
The teams conducting the curfew sweeps found 15 juveniles, ranging in age from 13 to 17 years old, in violation of curfew ordinances.
10 local minors were arrested, including two suspected of possessing "ecstasy" pills, and another minor who was convicted of a sex offense, and the officers identified a child abuse case during the sweep. One child stopped was only 9 years old.
What the heck....NINE years old? Man, what is a 9 year old doing running around on the streets after midnight?
The 15 children found in violation of curfew laws were hauled off in the back of police cars to the Buena Park Police Department Station and and held until their parents arrived to pick them up. (These youngsters have a lot of explainin' to do....YIKES!)
Before releasing the juveniles that were rounded up to their parents, both had to meet with representatives from the Orange County District Attorney's Office and the Orange County Probation Department to discuss the dangers and legal consequences for both the parent and child for violating curfew laws.
Listen, noting good EVER happens after 10 p.m. when you are a minor roaming the streets on a weekday night.
Local law enforcement are beginning to crack down on these violations more and more.
Remember, if a minor is in violation of curfew laws, they could be held on misdemeanor criminal prosecution with penalties ranging from fines up to six months in jail for the parent or juvenile hall for the child, plus the associated financial costs.
Don't be stupid. Stay alive. Life is worth living. Stay inside after dark.
If you have more information about this "sweep" or if you were involved and want to "sound off" hit my comment section below. More details later.....
(Source: Orange County District Attorney's Office)
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