Saturday, December 05, 2009

FIGHTING SWINE FLU: State Schools Chief Jack O'Connell Announces MILLIONS of MASKS are coming to our kids to stop the killer flu at Santa Fe Springs press confab

By Randy Economy:

SANTA FE SPRINGS — The fight to stop the deadly H1N1 Flu has come here to our neighborhood, and many parents and school aged children can breath easier.

In a huge warehouse here in Santa Fe Springs, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell announced Friday that  a multiagency effort will distribute millions of protective masks and gloves to schools throughout the Golden State to help prevent and mitigate the spread of the H1N1 influenza virus and other influenza outbreaks.

Nearly 900 people in California have already died from the H1N1 Flu virus. The most vulnerable group are school aged children, and the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

More than 23 million masks and pairs of gloves to help curb the spread of swine flu will be distributed from the SFS location.  They will be arriving in schools in the next week or so.

"We want to keep students, teachers, and staff healthy and in school," O'Connell said. "In order to prevent the spread of disease, the federal H1N1 guidance for schools calls for the use of personal protective equipment in situations in which a student becomes ill while on campus. Thanks to federal grant funding, we can provide masks and gloves called for in the guidance to schools free of charge. Procuring and distributing this personal protective equipment for use in California public schools is truly a statewide effort that required the help and generosity of our county offices of education, several state agencies, and private shipping companies. I want to thank all of the partners in this effort who are helping to protect the health of our students and school staff."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Education jointly issued guidance for schools regarding the H1N1 influenza pandemic. The guidance stresses that the best way to prevent the spread of viruses is by staying home if you are sick, covering your coughs and sneezes, washing or sanitizing your hands frequently, and getting the flu vaccines if possible.

The guidance also recommends the use of personal protective equipment in situations when a student becomes ill while at school. The guidance states that students who appear to have influenza-like illness should be sent to a supervised sick room separate from others until they can leave the school campus. CDC recommends that the ill person wear a surgical mask, if they can tolerate it.

The CDC guidance also recommends that school nurses or other school staff who are caring for ill students should wear gloves and a respirator face mask, commonly known as an N95 respirator.

So, break out the masks, and cover your mouth.  It might just save your life!

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