Saturday, June 04, 2016

@Elizabethforma: Senator Elizabeth Warren's Twitter Rampage Against Donald Trump is 'Disturbing'

Twitter (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I am worried about the mental state of Senator Elizabeth Warren. Something isn't right.   

I love a good Twitter War between politicians.

2016 has seen the best "HateTweets" ever registered during a single campaign season.

I hope you have been watching the battle between US Senator Elizabeth Warren, known as in the Twitterverse as @Elizabethforma and Republican Party Presidential Phenom Don Trump aka: @RealDonaldTrump.  

These two hate each other.   I get that. I mean, really dislike. 

However, in my opinion, Senator Warren has reached a new low this campaign for her constant Tweets on Trump. 

I always thought Warren had "class" and was always "a statesman" before a "politician."  

I thought Warren was an educated scholar who was able to enunciate a clear message to the people during a public speech.  

I thought Elizabeth Warren was "Presidential," above the fray,  different than others who crave the public spotlight especially in the prestigious United States Senate.

I though incorrectly. 

Senator Elizabeth Warren has become a screaming lunatic during Decision 2016. The more she Tweets and talks in interviews about the "evil" Donald Trump, the more I am convinced that she is unstable.

Senator, with all due respect, put down your IPad, and get back to the business of being a United States Senator.  THE PEOPLE are watching...

Here are just a few of @Elizabethforma most classic anti-Donald J. Trump tweets in just the past month or so....

  1. If means my job at Harvard, he can ask Charles Fried, Solicitor General for Reagan. He says loud & clear that’s a lie.
  2.  In reply to 
    Get your facts straight, . I didn’t even go to Harvard – I’m a graduate of and .
  3. Fling as much mud as you want, . Your words & actions disqualify you from being President - & I won't stop saying it.
  4. I fight for working families every day, . You fight only for Donald Trump.
  5. Anytime someone calls out , he replies with right-wing conspiracies & lies. It’s not presidential - & getting very old.
  6. If actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.
  7. .: I helped family buy their homes and out-of-work construction worker relatives make a living. I’m proud of that.
  8. Okay, we get it Senator Warren, congrats for being inducted into the Political Twitter Hall of Fame for the Class of 2016.

I wonder if Warren is going to get "THE PHONE CALL" from Hillary Clinton to ask her to be her running mate?  I don't know.  

I can't wait to see what @RealDonaldTrump is going to say in 16o characters or less...

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