By Randy Economy
www.Economy4ABC.Blogspot.comMay 9, 2010
11:30 p.m.
Meet Elena Kagan, she is about to make history in America. President Barack Obama has selected her as the next Supreme Court Justice in America.
She has never been a judge, yet she will be overseeing our Nation's Highest Court for the next 2 generations. She is 50 years old. She has the job of Solicitor General of The United States, and is on leave as a Professor at Harvard Law School. Solicitor General? From Solicitor General to the United States Supreme Court? Huh? Your kidding, right?
Tonight, people around America are looking at Kagan and asking if she is gay and will her "private" life become an issue during the confirmation hearing process. I wonder if a member of the mainstream media is going to ask about her "private" life during the press conference later this morning. BTW. I don't care one way or the other, I just hope she is honest and open about who she is....period.
Kagan will be replacing retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. John Paul is a legend. He is 90 years old, Kagan is 40 years younger than he you can see that this choice has lots of ramifications.
So, is this "change" that America needs at this stage in our nations history? Is this the "change" you thought President Obama would bring to America? Is Kagan the BEST person for the job?
Why was she picked for this lifetime appointment, instead of someone who has experience as a Judge?
BTW: Look for Saturday Night Live to have a field day with this pick, mark my words. She is the new "Obama Girl." LOL.
Tell me what you think about this pick. Is she the right one for the job, or should Obama have picked someone else?
That is the funniest thing ever. OMG. I am going to pee my pants. Gay? DUH!
She is way gay. OMG. What is Obama thinking?
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