Commerce, CA
April 3. 2010
Well, it didn't take long for this photo to surface on the internet that features Commerce Mayor Pro Tem Richard Fierro being arrested and led away in handcuffs by the FBI, Thursday on money laundering. This pic, I think is from the Los Angeles Times, or the FBI, but one of my readers in Africa sent this to me. Yep, in Africa, no lie.
Fierro was popped in a scheme to conceal illegally reimbursed campaign contributions from a federal grand jury. The cleancut Fierro (seen in the middle) is also a fomer Probation Officer, school teacher and church leader is in a huge amount of trouble, but this photo needs to been seen by every VOTER in the CITY OF COMMERCE.
A federal grand jury in Los Angeles on Tuesday returned a four-count indictment that charges Fierro with conspiracy and witness tampering. The indictment also charges the councilman's wife, Linda Fierro, 36, and the councilman's sister-in-law, Ana Perez, 45, with conspiracy and witness tampering.
So, Councilman Fierro, good luck in your upcoming federal criminal trial. This is becoming so routine in East Los Angeles politics, it makes you wonder how many more corrupt politicians are going to be arrested for betraying the trust of the people. Sad photo. Sad state of affairs in our Society. Wake Up. UNDERSTAND WHO you are VOTING FOR in EVERY ELECTION....PERIOD!
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FUUUUUNNNNYYYY. OMG. WHAT a RIOT. I wonder who is going to fall next in EAST LA?
That Fierro is an SOB. Glad to see this photo. It wasn't about washing money, it is about corruption.
funny but sad. sad that something like this had to happen in our city. Robert Fierro needs to step down from council. I can't believe that he is even sitting up there on council during a meeting.. The other council members or the mayor, but since the mayor is his buddy will probably vote to keep him in council.Our city is so backwards on things. STEP DOWN FROM COUNCIL!!!!
What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
I think all the Commerce council members actions/etc. should be gone over with a fine tooth comb. It sure seems like all of them have more money then their job and civil positions give them. I think Joe is above it all; but, the rest of them should be watched.
what the heck is with Hugo, Hector and Art all on high political positions when they really aren't the brightest people and their only skill is to charm and manipulate. Can someone that has a bit of dignity PLEASE run for their positions!
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