Note: I wanted to post this note from PJ Mellana who is running for State Assembly here in the 50th District this year. This is in response to SB 518, the Senator Alan Lowenthal "GET RID OF FREE PARKING" in CALIFORNIA LAW. Thanks PJ, and everyone needs to follow PJ's campaign here at this link: Visit

Do these politicians really think the voters are buying this crap anymore?
Thanks to Randy Economy for bringing to light more of the craziness that is going on up in Sacramento by our wonderful politicians. Don't these guys have better things to be focusing on? Umm...maybe the economy and getting government out of the ...way of people and businesses!
Please spread the word about my candidacy, a citizen politician not connected or beholden to anyone in Sacramento, only connected and beholden to THE PEOPLE.
Candidate for State Assembly
50th District
Tell me what you think?? Hit the headline of this BLOG POST, THEN CLICK on the "Comment Section" Listed BELOW to BE HEARD. Or, drop me a note to
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